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 Sushil Koirala Passed Away
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Posted on 02-08-16 4:36 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 02-08-16 4:43 PM     [Snapshot: 1]     Reply [Subscribe]
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who killed him?

His cousins and other party members who want to be savapati? This guy had strong desire to live longer, he cured cancer with Govt finance and he wanted to be savapati for another term.

Something fishy here...
Posted on 02-08-16 5:41 PM     [Snapshot: 173]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good for all Nepali. Our poor Country is relieved from his medical expenses. Je huncha ramro huncha.
Posted on 02-08-16 7:27 PM     [Snapshot: 347]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@sidster i am not sure if you are trying to be funny or serious but its 100% true that wanting to live longer doesn't just give you more time. And if you have read article it says he was suffering from Pneumonia and fever. I also have desire to be President of Nepal so whom shall i blame ?
जल्ले जे भने पनि बुढा अडिग भएर नटेकेको भए नेपाल मा संभिधान आउन गारो मात्र हैन असंभव थियो । प्रचण्ड , गिरिजा, देउवा जस्तो शुशील भ्रस्टाचार मा कहिलै मुछियेनं ।
स्वर्गीय शुशील कोइराला को आत्मा ले चीर शान्ति पावस ।
Posted on 02-08-16 8:27 PM     [Snapshot: 437]     Reply [Subscribe]
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facebook...seemed little unnatural thats all...also the cogress election in hand...who knows if they did a "grand design" to finish Koirala dynasty for good. I agree that he probably one of the non corrupt PM nepal had. He himself did not want money but he was surrounded by the corrupts. I think he wanted to be a president of congress for one more term so that he could hand congress off to another Koirala in line but it seems like the koirala dynasty is over now and others will never let a koirala come forward anymore. I also agree that constitution happened because of Sushil's strong will be it for good or bad.
Posted on 02-08-16 9:38 PM     [Snapshot: 544]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 02-09-16 12:21 AM     [Snapshot: 660]     Reply [Subscribe]
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सुशिल दा बित्नु भएको सुनेर नरहरि आचार्य पनि ढल्यो रे !! कांग्रेस को बुटी काटिने भो क्याहो ।।
Posted on 02-09-16 1:28 AM     [Snapshot: 695]     Reply [Subscribe]
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थुक्क कुकुर साले भातमारा edipre कुकुर ...मरेको मान्छे प्रति को धारणा..गु खा जा..

@edipre , तेरो बाउ आमा मर्दा नि येस्तै भनोस सबैले..

श्रद्धा सुमन सुशील दा..चिर आत्मा ले शान्ति पावोस

Posted on 02-09-16 8:11 AM     [Snapshot: 810]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Susil has sacrificed more than Girijaa , he should not be the PM before Susil. This is the politics all around , dynasty system works .
I heard , Ram and Laxman twin were emerging in 2023-24 he send them on impossible mission to be killed, he was successful .
At least he has not done that and as other said , his cabinet ministers were corrupt and he had no control on it.
Again rest in peace.
Posted on 02-09-16 8:21 AM     [Snapshot: 815]     Reply [Subscribe]
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lots of speculations in social media...people are questioning his thick chandan in the forehead and also wondering if him and Narahari were both fed the same food/drink that day. Does not sound like a clean death to me.
Posted on 02-09-16 10:00 AM     [Snapshot: 891]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Narhari was a good person. RIP
Posted on 02-09-16 10:41 AM     [Snapshot: 936]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bt narhari is down not dead yet. Lol
Posted on 02-09-16 11:26 AM     [Snapshot: 957]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"सुशिल दा बित्नु भएको सुनेर नरहरि आचार्य पनि ढल्यो रे !! कांग्रेस को बुटी काटिने भो क्याहो ।। "
ओह, ढल्यो भन्दा मलाई तेस्तो लाग्न गो | समाचार खासै हेरिदैन | सुशील प्रति एउटा मानवताको हिसाबमा उनको निधन प्रति दुख त लाग्यो , तर चरित्रको कुरा गर्दा भ्रस्टचारीहरु सब्बै चाडो भन्दा चाडो सकिनु पर्छ| प्रगतिशील युवाहरुको मागमा चासो नदिनु, उही पुराना राजनीतिमा आल-टाल गरि देशलाई परिबन्धमा पार्नु , अहिले हरेक नेपाली नेताहरुको चरित्र बन्न पुगेको छ | सुशील पनि तेही ड्याङ्गमा पर्न आउछ | सारा सच्चा नेपाली चाहन्छन कि पुराना सोच भाका अहिलेका नेताहरु सबले चाडो भन्दा चाडो मृत्यु बरण गरुन र देशलाइ प्रगति मार्गमा लान युवापुस्त अगाडी आउँन | एस्लाई अन्यथा नलिनु होला तर देशलाई अन्धकारमा पार्ने यिनै नेताहरु हुन् | महाबिर पुन जस्ताहरूका प्रस्तावलाई सोझै इन्कार गर्नेमा यिनै सुशीलहरु थिए | प्रकाशमा नआएका तेस्त बिकाशशिल कति मागहरुलाइ लत्याका होलान यिनीहरुले | आफ्नै स्वार्थ र भरौटेहरुको पोषणमा देश कंगाल बनाएका छन् यिनीहरुले | मैले भनि रहनु पर्दैन, देशको अवस्था कस्तो छ तेहीबाट थाहा हुन्छ |

नरहरी आचार्य प्रति भने मेरो सद्भाव छ र उनि जस्ता आदर्शवादी शिक्चक औलामा गन्न सकिन्छ |
Posted on 02-09-16 12:06 PM     [Snapshot: 1014]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@ collegefootballrocks - Talai kina tauko dukhyo maile tyso bhanda. It is true , country is relieved from his medical expenses . Did nothing good for Nepal . These people never sidelined politics to do better things.Nepali infant died because of lack of fuel in ambulance and couldn't be take to hospital in time. Taile tyma khai bolis... Earthquake victims are suffering everyday.

Posted on 02-09-16 6:38 PM     [Snapshot: 1100]     Reply [Subscribe]
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यो चोर भ्रस्त्र नेताहरुलाई विष्णुमतिमा फक्दे हुन्छ. बरु नेपालका भुश्याहा कुकुरहरुले सडक अनि टोल क्षिमेक्को सुरक्ष गर्छ. यो नेताहरु आफ्नो र आफ्नो परिवारको बाहेक अरु कसैको राम्रो गरेनन.
किन बेकारमा tension ?

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