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 confused:continue consultancy or join client
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Posted on 03-11-16 6:51 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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As I mentioned in my last thread,I got good offer from client to be full time employee. But, for GC, they said that they will start by the end of June as they have some restriction after firing thousands of people last year. Rest of the benefits are awesome.
Whereas my employer(consultancy) is paying me on hourly basis which when I count to /year, its just about 10K less than what I am getting on my offer from client. Employer started my GC just a week ago and attorney says that they going to send me draft of ETA 9089 by today. Advertisement is done, PWD hasnt started for which attorney says 10-11 weeks. Then they will submit 9089 as far as I know.
So, in this situation, I am really confused whether I should join client or stick with my employer.
What you would do guys if you were in my situation? Just wanted to see others views and positive and negative aspects of above scenario.
Posted on 03-11-16 9:45 AM     [Snapshot: 91]     Reply [Subscribe]
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keeping this thread alive
Posted on 03-11-16 1:31 PM     [Snapshot: 208]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If you can join with your client now I don't see whats stopping you. Its just a matter of couple of months.
Posted on 03-11-16 1:34 PM     [Snapshot: 216]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 03-11-16 2:07 PM     [Snapshot: 249]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks IP and cp21.
Only thing that stopping me is I have signed non-competence agreement with my employer which says I cant join the client for 1 year after ending contract.
But my employer doesnt have direct contract with client. They just have with vendor and client and vendor has agreement to get to hire the employee if client wants.
So, does my non-competent affect me in this scenario?
Posted on 03-11-16 2:27 PM     [Snapshot: 268]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@sajha keto, bro tyesto non-competent son competent kehi matlab hudaina. I have heard instances where these dhoti consultancies send you "see you in the court" notice but most of the times these kind of clauses do not matter. Also, if the consultancy(your employer) is not a very big firm in terms of revenue, they would not want to go through the hassles of court and stuff. Majjale full time accept gare hunchha.
Posted on 03-11-16 2:55 PM     [Snapshot: 294]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bond bro,
mine is very big dhotiko consultancy....600+ employee chhan and inhouse project nai chha ani have so many direct clients.

Posted on 03-11-16 3:16 PM     [Snapshot: 308]     Reply [Subscribe]
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sajha keto bro, does your contract say anything such as if you join vendor/client within certain period of time you will be fined certain amount of $$?
TBH it should not really matter unless your employer has to release you in order for you to be able to accept full time offer.

But bro, reading your query I understood, you are getting paid only 10k less than the client and then your employer is working on your GC process as well, right?

You have good thing in both hands. Just in case if there seems to be a trouble joining the client, dhoti sangai basda ni dherai ghata ta chhaina raichha.

Posted on 03-12-16 3:29 PM     [Snapshot: 463]     Reply [Subscribe]
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sajha keto..just join the client without thinking. as you know how the dhoti vendors are..there is a chance to get the audit in perm if the company is not that good and also after you get the perm they will wait for 5 and half months to file the i-140 and that is also in the regular processing..no PP and that will take another 6 months and then wait for some more months to file i-485... so I would just join client if I were you.
Posted on 03-12-16 3:50 PM     [Snapshot: 477]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@npli_girl:Thanks for your advice. As I mentioned above, So far, my dhoti is not that much hard in case of payment and Immigration. I joined them only when my H1B approve through them. Once H1B approved, I went for vacation and stayed almost 2.5 month in Nepal. When I came back, I bargained for salary which they increased without saying anything so the overall difference is just 10K. They know Nepalese gets GC within 2 years max as they have already filed for some Nepalese. Advertisement and ETA 9089 draft is done. Attorney has prepared the draft for EB2 and Wage determination takes 10-11 weeks. From all above, they seems good as I have spent just 8 month with them and withing that period I was in vacation for 2.5 month.
But, I have searched the client and Vendor and linked them for that. Means I was already working for clients through another Dhoti and layers but bypassed all those and made this chain. Starting August,Client is planning to release all the contractors and hiring some contractors who they feel they need in future. I am one of them.
I know its all depends on my and my decision but wanted to check others views as well so that others may point out some -ve/+ve side of this which I may not have realized yet

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