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Posted on 05-07-16 10:59
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Hi, I have been in the US for almost 2 years and have been living with Nepali roommates in DC area so far. I was considering living with Americans, or other foreign roommates, as a way to experience, learn, share new things, or know their culture and general way of life. I am not a particularly outgoing person, nor very extrovert and open, although I love talking deep things with someone who has already become a friend. I am hoping to have a nice friendly relationship with the said roommates, which includes talking about each other, cultures, beliefs, ideas, movies whatever on a regular basis and going together places sometimes. I am a graduate student, BTW. Anybody has any experience to share, some suggestion to make, or just some comments in this regard? Thanks
santa lil helper
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Posted on 05-09-16 11:13
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Hi, I really don't think you need a american roommate to experience american culture...i mean you're in america....u experience it everyday. Your best bet is to prob to put an ad out there looking for similarity that you're looking for. I've lived with "american" and "foreigner" back in the days and it was great because these were people that i knew and have a lot in common, and we just had a idea and decided to rent a house. it worked great. we had fundamental house rules that we went by, chores were loosely followed cause we all hates chores, the only time we really cleaned was when we had parties.....loads of party and girls and it was okay...we didn't have any prob. for the most part we just went on with our own business Mon-Thurs......the only time we would really get together was friday and saturday for clubbing/parties/etc, and sunday for hangover/sports/video games. Long story short....you need to find a roommate regardless of where they're from that is looking for the same thing as you. I'm sure you've heard of horrible roomates....this can happen to all of us!!!
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Posted on 05-09-16 11:29
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santa lil helper
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Posted on 05-09-16 11:31
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Posted on 05-09-16 11:38
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I totally agree with santas lil helper.
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Posted on 05-09-16 12:18
PM [Snapshot: 560]
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Thanks for the replies guys. What santa lil helper said makes sense mostly. Yes, you see the American culture everyday in the public. What I feel like I don't see is the personal life side of American people and their thinking (in non-academic matters.) My knowledge of these is primarily from the media and public forums. Basically, I am looking for a friend to talk to who won't mind sharing his views and personal stories. I thought roommates would make natural friends since I don't know where else to make friends. All my friends in college are Asians (Chinese, Indians, Bangladeshis, etc), and even if there were some Americans there, I am not so good at making friends anyway; talking to roommates is a given.
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Posted on 05-11-16 12:21
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So cool idea..... ihave been livinging for few months,,its really awesome ... ke garnu tapai ta sidhasada Nepali keto hunuhudo rahecha... j vayani idea chai cool cha... siknu parcha, feel garnu parcha, dekhera matra hudaina , dekhnu ra feel garnu ma farak cha ....
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Posted on 05-11-16 2:26
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I lived with an American friend as well as people from other countries through my school life. And yes, it is different then how you interact with them in public.My intention was similar to yours, to experience American life closely and I am very glad I did and today we are very close friends and also with his family so go ahead. Many working or educated Americans are clean and are very independent. So good luck with eating their food even when you walk into your apartment starving unless you have become very good friends. I learnt a lot of things from him and became more independent myself and learnt how to fix my own car, learnt to have shower curtain spread after you take shower(if you dont the water is trapped and you will get mold and get sick), I learnt more about hiking, places that Nepalese never go to, eat new food and meet more people and also networking. Its been more than 9 years now and I don't regret a bit and am proud to have an America reliable friend than some shady Nepali friend who is always talking behind your back but acts like bff when in front of you. And trust me, on top your English speaking improves a lot and it helped me a lot to understand American slangs, jokes, reply to sarcastic jokes at office. Trust me and utilize your time while you are young and don't hesitate to learn about other cultures, there are good and bad in any culture so learning the good side wont hurt you. PS: Shower Everyday and put moisturizers. Smelly people, hair with dandruff and cracked skin is a big turnoff if you are thinking to hangout with some educated and working Americans.
Last edited: 11-May-16 02:45 PM
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Posted on 05-11-16 9:15
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^ this dude cracks me up. Nepali people don't shower, have dandruff and smell re. Americans, on the other, are clean and friendly re. I have news for you, brother: People everywhere are the same. You will find Americans who don't shower and stink like crazy, you will find Americans who talk behind your back, just like you will find Nepali people who shower, don't stink, work hard and don't talk behind anyone's back. Stop generalizing. @Bhetgat timro 9 barsa bidesh ma basera sikeko saar: "Khaire ramro. Nepali naramro."
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Posted on 05-12-16 11:17
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@boimed timile ramrari padeko bhaye sayad yo bhanthiyenau hola. Maile kahile pani Nepali haru dont take shower bhanina. Maile sirf recommend gareko hu, if you want to hangout with people bhanera. kati kura pahilai kasaile bhandiyeko bhaye sajilo huncha. Arko kura, maile sabai American pani bhaneko chaina, only who are working and educated America bhaneko chu. Purai kuro nabujhera, bhitta ma kick hanera afnai khutta bhachnu agadi, ek choti dhyan diyera padeko bhaye awes ma aayera tyo comment lekhthiyenau hola. J hos sadhai afui thulo bhanne pravirti le nai dherai Nepali haruko ko nabhako showofff badeko cha. Ma America baseko 11 yrs bhaisakyo, ra euta kura bujeko chu ki sathi bananunu jo khusi pani badcha ra jo sukha pani.