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Santosh Chaudhary.
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Posted on 12-04-16 5:55
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नेपाल मा हुदा हामीलाई पाखे भन्थी, मेरी आमा ले गाऊ बाट goldstar जुत्ता लगाएर आउदा खित्का छोडेर हस्थी, चिल्लो स्कूटर मा हिर्थी, मेरो घर को बाटो हिर्दा रुमाल ले नाक छोपेर हिर्थी, खै के पढ्न USA आकी रैछ, नेपाल मा बाऊ आमा छोरि अमेरिका गाको कत्रो धाक लाउथे, तेरी मा टोक्ने आफु लै नि २०१४ मा DV पर्यो सब परिवार ऐले newyork मा..एक दिन आमा लाई momo खुवाउन jackson height लागेको यी पापी आखा ले के देख्नु पर्यो..momo serve गर्ने त ति बैनी रैछन, भेट नि कस्तो आवस्त मा भाको, बिचरा लाज ले रातो पिरो भै,, हुन त तेस्तो लजौन पर्ने केहि गरेको थियिनन उनले तैपनि नेपाल मा गरिब भनेर हेपेको सम्जेर ऐले पछुतो भयो होला..माया लग्यो $१० टिप्स आमा को हात बाट दिन लगाए.. सानो/कम्जोर भनेर कसैलाई हेप्नु नहुने रैछ!!!
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Posted on 12-05-16 11:47
AM [Snapshot: 1499]
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Chaudhary bro came here to get sympathy, but he ain't getting one. Most of us all came in F1. Moron
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Posted on 12-05-16 1:34
PM [Snapshot: 1695]
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NAS, i am talking about educational qualifications not economical prospect ; at least she had to complete some procedures and prove American consular that she is capable of American education unlike those DV holders who just have to verify their identity and high school document.
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Posted on 12-05-16 2:55
PM [Snapshot: 2299]
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Tyo hepeko bhanne dhani garib bhanera hoina hola, yastai $10 tips diyera khusi hune attitude lai hepeko hola. I don't know how it was before and how it is now but this guy sure does sound like a petty, self righteous guy.
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Posted on 12-05-16 3:23
PM [Snapshot: 2431]
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खै NAS बोरो मलाइ चाइ आइले को जमानमा plus 2 को certificate पनि TC ( train chadera ) लयाउन परछ जस्तो मलाइ laagdaina है . अनि testo assumption को कुरो गरने भये ta सन्तोष ले भने जस्तो उनि लाज ले पिरो नभएर kitchen मा गयेर मोमो lyaaudaa तेहा को राप ले पिरो भईन कि ? कि कसो ?? SAN dai i think you change this way of typing nepali (or may be not ) and its horrible !! please change it back !
Last edited: 21-Jan-17 10:17 AM
Last edited: 21-Jan-17 10:18 AM
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Posted on 12-05-16 4:24
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मलाइ पनि नास बोरो ले भनेको कुरा मन परयो है \ mitra rastra bata certificate kinera ayeka wa tehi keneko certificate le Philippines gayera arko degree liyera ani amerika ayeka manche pani chan \ Instagram bro le, Plus 2 ko certificate kinna TC jana pardaina bhaneko, kathmandu mai kinna payincha bhanera ho ;) hunata afupani student visa ma nai aaiyo, tara american embassay ma gayera 'visa' lagayera kshyamata dekhayera aayeko bhanda chai laaj nai lagcha \ hajarau aauchan tesaari , yaha hajarau college chan, nepalma average student lai admission gardihalchan. Ani visa dida pani ekdam talent ani kshyamata bhayeko hercha ra bhanya ??:) ke thaha tyo momo bechne bahiniko bahnda santosh bhai ko educational level/standard ramro cha ki ? ki DV pardaima educational level ramro chaina bhanne bujincha ? aathawa ramro education bhayeka le DV nai bhardainan ki ?
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Posted on 12-05-16 4:44
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Educational level ramro bhaye maile maya laagera 10 dollar tips diyera aaye bhandai na tho. baru maile chineko manche yessari bhete , hi hello bhayo bhanera bhanthe hola. DV parne haru lai naramro bhanya haina , aafno aafno bhagya ko kura ho. tara yeuta fact ke ho bhane jati F1 Visa maa aune haru le question face garna parcha , consular le ker kar garcha teti DV wala haru laai gardaina. thats truth.
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Posted on 12-05-16 8:41
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Chaudhary guy just showed his "Tuppo bata palako" mentatily. This guy clearly showed he would behave worse to that girl had they swapped their positions back home. I have zero misgiving about that. A good person does not step down that low to deprecate someone. Nas, You are a conspiracy theorist, aren't you? How do you know she has a Birpure degree? Why you hate girls so much myan? You heard Chaudhary's side of story and that girl is already nakachari to you? OMFG! `
Last edited: 05-Dec-16 08:50 PM
Raam Raam
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Posted on 12-06-16 12:55
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ani Nas bro li mathi Miraj ji jo comment story ki kanya chai kasto lagyo ni. ani santosh ji ko story lai jasari bujhna ni sakinxa. tara yaha chai DV Vs F1 ko mentality haabi bho bhanni hamlai lairaxa.
Aftab Alam.
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Posted on 12-08-16 6:04
AM [Snapshot: 13655]
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John Chak.
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Posted on 12-09-16 8:57
AM [Snapshot: 18585]
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sarai man chune lekh ..tks chaudhari bro...aukat dekhayou tyo ghamandi student lai
Wanzuk Lama.
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Posted on 12-10-16 4:22
PM [Snapshot: 23498]
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im sure asylum seekers students gonna cry it
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Posted on 12-13-16 10:38
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Posted on 12-15-16 3:47
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Aftab Alam.
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Posted on 12-17-16 9:00
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can u provide the source as well
Santosh Chaudhary.
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Posted on 01-07-17 10:34
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Aftab this is not source publication this is a true stroy
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Posted on 01-08-17 10:36
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चौधरी ब्रो को कथा सत्य कथा नै हुन सक्छ | हिजो बाऊ बाजेले कमाई दिएको भन्दा पनि ब्रम्हालुट गरेकाहरू जताततै टुप्पीदै देखिन्छन भने यो साझामा आएर पनि आफ्नो पन देखाइ रहेका छन | नेपाल बसेर कुर्लीने हरू सबै बिदेस छिर्न सके यिनीहरुको बुद्धि पलाउथ्यो अनी बाउले बटुलिदिएकोमाँ भन्दा आफ्नो पसीनाको कमाइमा गर्ब गर्न पाऊंन भन्ने प्रार्थना गर्दछु | | अरुलाई सानो देखाए पछि ठुलो हुईने कुरामा यिनीहरू बिस्वास गर्ने बानी हट्दथ्यो | तिनको केहि दोष छैन, हाम्रो सामाजको एक चरित्रको एक अङ बनेकी थीइन भने तिनले कामले सानो ठुलो हुईने कुरा नेपालमै छोडेर आईंन वा यहाँ आएर सिकिन | लाजले होईन नेपालमा गरिएको क्रियाकलाप सम्झेर रातो पिरो भएकी हुनु पर्छ ? ( Agreed with Nas: साझाको नेपाली टाईप हिंदी तीर तानिदै छ र पहिलेको भन्दा अलिक फरक महसूस गर्दै छू)
Last edited: 08-Jan-17 10:53 AM
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Posted on 01-08-17 11:30
AM [Snapshot: 34154]
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So it was not just me who had observed this issue of Unicode Converter not properly rendering the Nepali Fonts. For example, Prades shows as Pardes. Prastav and Parstav. This is true even with some popular website's UI. How could I get around this nepali font problem? Should I install another Nepali font (more popular and consistent) that you guys know of? Example that I see in my computer from Online Khabar website's Nepali font --> http://www.onlinekhabar.com/2017/01/525717/
Santosh Chaudhary.
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Posted on 01-08-17 8:17
PM [Snapshot: 34304]
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#kalidash k bhaneko bujina english ali kamjor cha
Santosh Chaudhary.
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Posted on 01-20-17 12:24
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Posted on 03-16-17 1:22
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I liked meraj's story / samjhana than Chaudhary's.