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Posted on 05-13-22 2:42
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If you live in CA or NY, instead of driving it's the time to take a commuter train. As the gas price soaring I am thinking of replacing one of our car with a hybrid and I was watching YouTube videos. This one gave me some idea whether will be good matches or not according to my driving habit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkRWnfsmUQA
Last edited: 13-May-22 02:57 PM
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Posted on 05-13-22 5:45
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Ya malai pani car care nut ko videos haru informative nai lagcha, out of all I think Toyota Hybrid cars have been here for ages and they have been improving their hybrid cars and making them reliable day after day. Some of the model I think are RAV4 Prime, Prius and may be Corolla Hybrid, Accord Hybrid and many more. With soaring gas price, It is infact hard to get hybrid used cars these days as they get sold quickly.
Gabbar aka sanaklaal is back
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Posted on 05-13-22 9:01
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Posted on 05-15-22 12:05
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कता हेर्न पुग्यौ महिल, पुरुस र गे भनि थाहा पाऊन ? सुरु सुरुमा कार पुरुषले किन्ने र Own गरिने भएर she प्रयोग गरिन्थ्यो भने लरी र १८ wheeler चै men ठानिन्थ्यो तर यो गे चै आफैलाई हेरेर भन्न पुगेको हो कि के हो ? गे carलाइ पुरुस बनाउन वा म ड्राईभ गर्नेको लिङ्ग नभए पनि balls चै छ भन्ने हरु यसो गर्छन | This is how you can make gay car to a manly car.
Gabbar aka sanaklaal is back
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Posted on 05-15-22 3:09
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Yo gaandu boka loganey kai kehi thaha chaina .
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Posted on 05-15-22 5:11
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Go for plugin hybrid instead of just hybrid. You can go 100s of miles with one tank of gas .
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Posted on 05-15-22 8:48
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Cheapskate! Why don’t you ride a bicycle!
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Posted on 05-16-22 1:36
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शेखरको कुरा सुनेर यो कुरा याद आयो | एकजना अर्धब्रिद्द महिला पाउरोटी टुक्रा बनाउदै चरा हरुलाई ख्वाउदै थिई अनि एउटाले प्वाक्क भन्यो | संसारमा कति भोका मानिस हरु छन् त भने चरालाई ख्वाइदै छेस | म त्यहा सम्म फ्याक्न ( पुर्याउन) सक्दिन अब म केरु ? कुरा बुझ्नु भयो होईन त ? स्कुटरले पनि काम चल्दैन साइकल को के कुरा? कहिँ कसैले बैल गाडा , रिक्सा , साईकल , मोटर साइकल र गाडिको पछि गुलो झुण्ड्याएर कुदाएको देख्नु भयो भने साझाको गोबर सिङ्ग लाइ सम्झनु होला |