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Posted on 02-10-24 7:00 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Democrats have finally gone too far with their ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL attempts to remove Donald J. Trump from state ballots.

SCOTUS voted unanimously that what Colorado is trying to do won't fly.

This is apocalyptic, but for the Democrat/UNIPARTY/Swamp this time!

Justice Sotomayor says President Trump has had no due process regarding any claim of "Insurrection."

Justice Kagan says “One state’s decision to take a candidate off the ballot affects everybody else’s rights,” and “What’s a state doing deciding who other citizens get to vote for president?”

Even Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson says "the president is not an 'officer' of the United States, so Section 3 does not apply to him at all."

Guys, NONE OF THIS is about Donald Trump committing "insurrection."

ALL OF THIS is about one DEMOCRAT-RUN state having the UNDEMOCRATIC will, the UNCONSTITUTIONAL desire, and the ILLEGAL goal of stopping Republican voters in their state from voting for who they want to vote for.

Apparently, Trump v. Anderson was the straw that broke the Democrat camel's back.

They won't stop trying, but at least the American people on both sides of the fence can see the hoax that has been played on this country.

Thanks again, SCOTUS!
Posted on 02-10-24 10:18 AM     [Snapshot: 40]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The media always makes a fool out of the democrats by spreading fake news.

Over the last few months the media kept saying Trump haa been indicted for insurgency and that he will not be able to run for the presidency. The delusional left kept celebrating that news as if it was real only to find out the real news that the supreme court actually exonerated trump for all the dumb and stupid charges.

The democrats spun their web of deceit using the media. What kind of insurgency happens without use of any weapons? What kind of insurgency leader would tell followers to be peaceful and follow the police officers. What kind of insurgency leader would tell his followers to go home peacefully when he sensed there was some disturbance?

Over the last years they disillusioned their followers by pinning russia gate but it turned out to be nothing.

Then they accused trump of taking money from china and after months of investigation they found that some chinese stayed at trump hotel. And in fact trump had donated all the money that was spent by the Chinese delegation back to a national cause back to the people.

On one hand we have existing president who put america last and puts ukraine first. And on other hand we have a patriot who cares about the country. Biden amassed millions if dollars after he came to the white house as compared to Trump who actually lost billions after being a president.

Biden is in it to make money while Trump is in it to make america great as we all know america is going down the drain.

Many people in sajha being immigrants follow democrats blindly as they are the only party who would supports illegal aliens. If you can love america for what it had been - a beacon of democracy and freedom, and you can see clear decline now with Biden’s weak policies, then you know only Trump is in it to care about america. Most people in sajha support democrats because of treacherous intentions. Which is to abuse the system of US so that they have personal benefits of legalized citizenship inspite of their inability to gain papers through right means. That is the biggest reason for their support for senile biden. Nothing else.

Truth’s gonna hurt so you gonna come back with personal attacks because thats the only thing you can do because you know what lies deep within your treacherous brains. I was born in the US to Nepalese parents and I see these things very clearly.

Last edited: 10-Feb-24 10:20 AM

Posted on 02-10-24 11:40 AM     [Snapshot: 68]     Reply [Subscribe]
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68 views so far and who knows how many are even US citizen to vote. Most people who visit here are on std visa, h1b or gc at most.Im not sure your persuasion is being effectibe in this platform. Just my 2 cents.
Posted on 02-10-24 11:53 AM     [Snapshot: 77]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Echo2 sir. Most of the posts here get similar views but you don't go around telling them that your posting is not effective in this platform. Perhaps nothing is effective in this platform in that case.

My 2 gazillion cents!
Posted on 02-10-24 12:17 PM     [Snapshot: 96]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Mr independent sir , most of those post you mentioned are not about voting in the usa. Use some of those gazillions pennies and buy some common sense.
Posted on 02-10-24 1:20 PM     [Snapshot: 116]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Look at the state of chaos all over the world with all these treacherous wars. It would be naive to think that US politics does not affect globally. Granted that most people here may not be eligible to vote today but may play a pivotal role in saving this earth from imminent doom in future because of the greed of the democrats to a point they put America and Americans last.

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