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Posted on 01-04-09 6:00
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I need to convert LaTex file to MS Word. The source file has been prepared in LaTex (.tex) ==> say aaa.tex Final version is in .pdf or .ps (converting .tex into .pdf). Note: its in Linux and all the figures are in .eps format I need to convert aaa.tex (or aaa.pdf or aaa.ps) to aaa.doc(i am not sure if pdf to MS word conversion will give me the same quality of figures as in aaa.pdf converted from aaa.tex)Has anyone ever gone through this? Is there anyway free software or so? Thanks
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Posted on 01-04-09 11:02
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try this for pdf 2 word http://lifehacker.com/392531/some-pdf-to-word-converter-does-what-it-sounds-like
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Posted on 01-05-09 8:00
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if you also have latex files and corresponding pictures (assuming it was not the pdf or ps file of someone you downloaded), i think one simple way to get word file would be -- convert pdf to word first directly. if you find the picture/graph's quality compromised, just insert those original graphs in pdf or jpg or gif etc formats from your latex folder directly to the word or do it after conversion (some eps file may need to be converted to jpg or gif or pdf file i guess before inserting in the Word)
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Posted on 01-05-09 6:32
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Cyberdude, thx for the link. I ve tried it before too, but it does not work more than 1-2 pages and also most of the equations do not look good.
bnu, that would be my last option ! Can't compromise with the figures' quality. yeah, need to convert .eps figure into .png or .gif (less size than that of .jpg)...
== I am also ready to purchase this software (seems that free software not available), any information?
Last edited: 05-Jan-09 06:32 PM
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Posted on 01-05-09 6:46
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Neural, If you donot want to compromize figure's quality, based on my long experience on such conversion, I suggest you to use Adobe illustrator to open eps files and from there, you can directly insert to MS word. If you use the correct way to insert eps file from Illustrator, I can bet you the Quality of the figure is better than JPG or PNG or GIF format and size of the word file is substantially reduced. As someone pointed above, I am not mentioning here how to convert Latex text in to world text. Good luck.
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Posted on 01-06-09 6:44
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KC san, i was just wondering if the whole PDF (or .tex or .ps) can be easily converted to MS word using particular software (if available). Yeah, adobe illus. is one of the best options especially for the figures. Arigatou ne! Akimashitey Omedetou Gozaimasu.