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 good news for YCL
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Posted on 06-27-09 6:36 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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if you are a YCL member or supporter, or if any of your friends or families support YCL or maoists, the maoists politbureo meeting decided to give monthly allowance of 5000 NRS.

if you are one of the above click the video


Posted on 06-27-09 6:47 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Where they get that much amount to pay?


Posted on 06-27-09 6:57 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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baburam headed loot company looted fo 9 months officially. unofficial ta kati ho kati

Posted on 06-27-09 2:57 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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nepali artists are now berojgar, nepali film pani chaldaina, laagani sabai dubchha.

As soon as they heard about that 5000 NRs they also joined maoists

चर्चित कलाकार माओवादी प्रवेश सन्तोष रिमाल, काठमाडौं, असार १३- "यो नसोच्नुहोला मेरो निधारमा टीका छैन। तर मेरो मनभित्र यो टीका निकै गढेको छ। मेरो गलामा माला छैन। तर यो माला कहिल्यै नखस्ने गरी मन र मस्तिष्कमा लगाएको छु" एकीकृत नेकपा माओवादीमा चलचित्रकर्मी प्रवेश कार्यक्रममा नीर शाह यसरी प्रस्तुत भए।

Posted on 06-27-09 3:20 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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In Nepal, all the party supporters are paid. All the stone throwers, nara baji garne are paid Rs. 300 for 1 day. That's why home builders in Kathmandu are finding it hard to get workers to build their house. Even the brick factories or other factories don't find workers during the 'Bandhas'. All the workers make easy money by 'having some fun'.

With this situation, no entrepreneur who needs these workers can do a steady business. Thus leading to a viscious cycle.

Posted on 06-27-09 6:01 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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hasauchha ketahau pani
kasto kasto you tube video aayechha, khulda pani nakhulne?


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