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 How is AAA auto insurance?
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Posted on 08-28-09 3:19 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I want to switch to AAA auto insurance from GEICO because of their lower rate. However, I want to know how is their customer response and services especially when you are in accident. So if any of sajha members have AAA auto insurance, can you share your experiences with AAA.


Posted on 08-28-09 3:45 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Best in its class!!!!

Posted on 08-29-09 12:42 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I recently had a minor accident in a parking lot. I have Geico, and the other person had AAA. I was thinking of switching to AAA too before this incident, but after this I am going to stick to Geico. The people I dealt with from AAA during this process were not very friendly or helpful. When someone gets in to an accident obviously he/she is in distress, AAA agents were very insensitive to the whole issue.

I had a really good experience with Geico. Every agent I dealt with from Geico were really friendly and helpful.

On the good side, they sent me check within 2 days. They sent an agent to take pictures of my car, whereas Geico did not (b/c it was 50/50 case I guess). The lady was incredibly rude, and insensitive.
If you don't care about the service very much, and if the savings is huge it might be worth it. I don't know it's a personal preference. Personally, if that is the kind of service they offer, I would rather stick to Geico and get better customer service when I am in distress. If it was just one person, then I would not care, but I dealt with atleast 5 agents during this process and none of them were nice.

Good luck!

Posted on 08-30-09 11:00 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks llcoola and smile_07. Yea the service from Geico is great. once I hit deer, their response was so prompt and very nice. They fixed everything without hassle within a week. I was very satisfied with their service. Now there is $50 difference for 6 months. I'm still in doubt whether to switch or not. Probably won't switch,  I guess. Anyways, thanks.

Posted on 08-30-09 3:41 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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For $50 per six months difference, I would stick with Geico. The difference is not worth settling for less.


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