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 Maoist chairman Dahal reaches Dhulikhel resort to work out strategies
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Posted on 05-19-10 8:38 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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What kind of poor peoples' leader is this jerk. Next thing he is going to do is may be screw a swine to get enlightenment.

Maoist chairman Dahal reaches Dhulikhel resort to work out strategies
Unified CPN (Maoist) chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal has reached Dwarikas' Himalayan Shangrila Resort in Dhulikhel Wednesday morning to work out future strategies for the party.

The Maoist chairman is known for his knack for peaceful getaways when he has to prepare important strategic decisions.

Dahal arrived at the resort along with Politburo member Agni Sapkota, who is the chief of Tamsaling state committee, and son Prakash. There was sheer presence of local journalists, but Dahal preferred to maintain a distance from them.

The Maoist strongman's search for a solitary place to devise future strategies comes two days before a crucial central committee meeting of the party begins. 

Maoists are facing pressure for supporting the bill presented by the government in the parliament for extension of the Constituent Assembly's term, failure of which will mean dissolution of the CA.

Similarly, the party has already announced to declare its own constitution on May 29 if Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal did not resign. nepalnews.com

Posted on 05-19-10 9:52 PM     [Snapshot: 77]     Reply [Subscribe]
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They fug randis there in Dulikhel.. and that's how they decide the fate of sarbahara janata....

Talk about these basterd commies.... they are shit asohole

Posted on 05-19-10 10:22 PM     [Snapshot: 103]     Reply [Subscribe]
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that bastard deserves hell in its worst
Posted on 05-20-10 11:20 AM     [Snapshot: 283]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"Workout a Strategies" भनेर सबै परिवार लिएर रिजोर्टमा बस्न गएको जस्तो पो छ त,

Posted on 05-20-10 11:50 AM     [Snapshot: 307]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Communism bhaneko yahi ho. Leader resort ma, Janta thangnaa ma..
Posted on 05-20-10 1:18 PM     [Snapshot: 334]     Reply [Subscribe]
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moj chha chor sale lai...........

Posted on 05-20-10 2:52 PM     [Snapshot: 393]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Espali ko haijya prachanda lai laija....kukur sale.


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