I tried my best but couldn’t keep it short. For those of you who don’t have enough time to go through the whole content but are interested in this thread please go through the first two and the last paragraphs.
The whole idea of this thread is to create a platform for the innovators, dreamers, doers, workaholics, visionaries, entrepreneurs, mavericks, jack of all masters of none, and the likes among ourselves who think about doing something. And this something could be helping kids go to school in Nepal to brainstorming ways to solve some of our problems – like waste management, traffic management etc.
The main objective of this thread is to share ideas and experiences (professional, academic or indigenous) to devise plans to achieve the above mentioned goals.It doesn’t necessarily have to be in Nepal, we can use our time and brain to do good anywhere in this planet. (This might be little too much for some of you, but I believe that one shouldn’t hesitate to dream big as long as one realizes the ground reality and the efforts needed to achieve that big dream).
I am sure that some of you must be thinking who the hell I am or why not share my own ideas first before asking for others and some of you will try to track my IP address for my location. So I will save your time to do something productive – may be contribute to this thread to the best you can – instead of hunting me down. Here’s little bit about me: I work in the environmental field – hazardous waste management, energy audits, green house gas inventory etc. in Northern California for little over two years now. No, I am not a DV winner, neither have a green card. I am still in student status (cap-gap extension, waiting for USCIS’ decision on H1B) as this seems to be one of the major concerns among us.
I have been visiting sajha.com for at least three years now but never posted a comment to any thread, despite my knowledge about the subject. There were few instances when I so badly wanted to register to sajha.com to reply few threads but never did so. I am sure many of you visit sajha.com like I did. And for those of you who just visit sajha but don’t have an account, here’s my email: sculptor_a1(at)yahoo.com.
Being the originator of this thread, I believe I should be able to moderate it (meaning delete the ones that are off-the-track). Anyways, all smart ass comments and suggestions are welcome including some genuine ones. I don’t want to drop the names here but I am expecting some genuine remarks from some of you. And for those of you who know somebody who talked or talks about changing the world but doesn’t visit sajha.com, could you please forward him/her the link to this thread?
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Posted on 07-14-10 9:47
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Way to go Sculpture, must say a god job. After long time got to see some descent thread in sajha. First of all i want to say, i don't know which of this catagory (innovators, dreamers, doers, workaholics, visionaries, entrepreneurs, mavericks, jack of all masters of none, and the likes among ourselves who think about doing ) I fall into but i can assure you that i am not one those jack a$$es who try to pull the legs of others who is trying to do some good things.
Well let me tell you that i don't have a huge project or big vision for my country but the only thing i dreamed about is to do something for those kids who are not getting two times meal, proper education and at least better life. I am just a normal guy with a small job that's by bread and butter and go to school and spent some time with friends but yeah like you've said, somebody needs to start and finish. So i am up for this if you are ready to come up with something. Thanks...
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Posted on 07-14-10 7:57
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@sculpture: हाम्ले केइ गर्न पर्दैन बुजेनौ दाजु, मज्जाले घण्टा हान्ने अनी भालु धेरै नाहन्ने गरेर देश मा अली अली मात्र डलर पठाये मात्र नि पुग्छ बुजेनौ ।। ह्या साझा म खोकेर केइ नापिन्न ।।। एउटा तोर्पेले आएर आमा बौ को गाली गर्दिन्छ अनी दिन मात्र खराब
@natyavaraul: GRE को ३५०० शब्द तपाईं ले मात्रै पढ्नु भको राइछ साझामा ।।।। अनी एउटा सानो रिक्वेस्ट, एदी तपाईं को ज्ञानबर्दक पोस्ट म र मेरो एउटा रूममेट ले पनि बुझोस् भन्ने चाहनु हुन्छ भने कृपया अर्को पोस्ट बाट हाम्रो लागि छुत्टै एउटा सरल भाषा को कमेन्ट पनि छोड्दिनु होला ।। धन्यवाद ।। पीस
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Posted on 07-16-10 8:59
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Thank you all for your comments and also thanks for those who emailed me.
साझामा verbal attack गर्छन् भनेर डराएर बसे नेपालमा केही गर्न सकिएला त ? नेपालमा त physical attack गर्नेहरु ऐले टन्न छन। यहाँ आउने धेरैले जसो मैले पनि आफ्नो बुद्दी, विवेक र क्षमताले भ्याये सम्म गर्ने काम त गरेको छु। केही समय देखी मलाई मैले एक्लै गर्नुभन्दा धेरै जनासँग मिलेर गर्यो भने त्यस्को असर धेरै हुन्छ जस्तो लागेर र धेरैले यस्तै सोचिराछन् कि भनेर कसै न कसै ले त शुरुवात गर्नु पर्यो भनेर यो जमर्को गरेको हुँ -- "एक थुकी सुकी, हजार थुकी नदी"।
अहिलेको मेरो उद्देश्य बाहिर छरिएर बसेका, शीप र ज्ञानका धनी र केही गरु भन्ने युवाहरुको एउटा network form गर्ने हो। The members of this network, if materialized, will meet every week (fortnight or month); will discuss on a topic (on mega projects like waste management to micro projects like chipping in some money for a student to continue his effort (or research) who did something outstanding); come up with socially/culturally/politically feasible and acceptable solution; and then will find out ways to implement it. We will start with small scale projects -- just to test ourselves on how good we are at discussing things online/remotely; come to a mutual agreement etc.
Sounds vague? Well, it might but its because we are not used to it. We grew up in a different society. But guys its doable. For those of you who chat online or conference call with your friends/family or the ones who "net-meet" once in a while to update or to get an update on projects, you know its doable.
One of the gentlemen who emailed me is supposed to do the research on how we "meet". If you are reading this make sure you get your a$$ in gears and recommend the best available technique. Just so let you know, I am not a fan of Facebook.
I will revive this thread at least once every week and keep it alive for few weeks. I will wait for some good posts/email, even if it means some nasty posts from some of you. Like I said, like some of us, I am doing something, I just thought most of us think the way I do...if there was another person(s).
None of the nasty post will deter me from doing what I have planned to do. I deleted one of the posts as it was off-the-track, it was necessary to keep the thread in its course.
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Posted on 07-17-10 2:44
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हाम्रो देशको सधै जस्तो आउने नराम्रो खवर पढदा र सुन्दा थाकेको कान र आँखा आझ अनयास यो लेख देख्दा खुसि लाग्यो अनि भन्न मन लाग्यो ल साथि शुरु गरौ हाम्म्रो एउटा समुह देश बिकास का खातिर यहि साझावाट। हुन त म त्यसो भन्दा कुनै ठोलो समाजसेबि पनि होइन र म प्रस्सत सम्पतिको मालिक पनि होइन, सिर्फ म एउटा नेपालि र नेपाल माया गर्ने नेपालि।
साथि हो, अझै पानि लाखौं बालबालिका मा शिक्षाको पहुच छैन। स्वास्थ, खानेपानि को कुरा त धेरै टाढाको कुरा रहेको छ । समाजका हरेक बालबालिका लाई शिक्षा दिनेहो भने भोलिको समाज र देश समृद्ध बनाउन समय लाग्ने छैन तर असफल शिक्षा निति अनि गरिब र निमुखा बालबालिकालाई अझ अरु शिक्षावाट वञ्चित राख्नेहो भने यसले भविष्यमा अरु धेरै समस्या जन्माउने निश्चित छ। अहिले तपाई हामिले गर्ने सानो लगानिले नेपालका सयौं गाँउमा शिक्षाका ज्योति पुर्याउन सकिनेछ भने कुनै पनि बाल बालिकालाई शिक्षाको उज्यालो किरणबाट बञ्चित हुनु पर्नेछैन्।
साथि तपाईले भने जस्तै पल्याटफर्म बनाउने नै हो भने किन कुरा मात्र गर्ने, ल शुरु गरौ हरेक ६ महिना मा एउटा प्राथामिक बिध्यालयमा पुस्तकालयको निर्माण। हामि स्कुल र स्थानिय बासिन्दा सँग मिलेर काम गरौं किताब र चाहिने सामग्रि हामिले हेर्ने तर भवन, जनशक्ति समाजको र बिध्यालयको रहने। यसको निरन्तरता बिध्यार्थिको उपस्थिति, पढाइमा सफलता, समाजमा लेर्याको परिबर्तन, बालबालिकामा आएको पढने बानिमा आएको परिबर्तन जस्ता कुरा हरुलाई मध्यनजर राखिने छ।
यसले अंग्रेजि, गणित र बिज्ञान बिषयका पुस्तक र भिडियोहरुलाई बढि महत्व दिनेछ, जसले गर्दा सरकारि स्कुलका बिध्यार्थिले भोग्दै आएको अंग्रेजि, गणित र बिज्ञान पिडित हुने समस्याबाट थोरैमात्रामा भए पनि शान्तिको सास फेर्न पाउनेछन भने स्कुलका टिचरहरुले पनि तालिमको अवसर पाउनेछन।
अनि हामिले यसरि शुरु गरेको स्कुलहरुमा सोहि गाविस, नगरपालिका, जिल्लाका हस्पिटल वा नर्सिङहोमका डाक्टर, डेन्टिस्टवाट हरेक ३ -३ माहिना मा एकपटक फ्रि हेल्थ चेकको ब्यबस्था मिलाउन सकिनेछ, जसमा लाग्ने खर्च हस्पिटल, नर्मिसिङहोम , समाजसेबि, गैरसरकारि संस्थाबाट चन्दा सहयोग स्वरुप उठाइनेछ।
यसै पुस्तकालयले फिल्टर जडित सफा पिउने पानि, चर्पिहरु को ब्यबस्था, बालबालिका बंगैचा को निर्माण गर्न स्कुल प्रशासनलाई सघाउनेछ भने हरेक ६- ६ महिनामा बिध्यार्थिलाई खेलकुद कार्यक्रको आयोजना गरिनेछ शाथमा निर्त्य, संगित, ज्ञानबर्दक बिषयमा तालिम पनि यसै मार्फत दिइने छ ।
यसले बालबालिकालाई बिश्र्वका कुनै पानि देशका बालबालिका सँग अन्तरक्रिया गर्ने एउटा प्लयाटफर्म बनाउने छ भने तपाईहामि जस्ता साथिहरुलाई स्कुल सँगको सम्पर्क च्यानल।
साथिहो मेरो बिचारमा हामि अरुको मुख ताक्नु भन्दा ल शुरु गरौं केहि काम । साझामा कति जना तयार हुनु हुन्छ यसका लागि। तपाईहरुले पैसा छैन भने अरु तरिकाले सहयोग गर्न सक्नु हुन्छ वा नेपाल जाँदै हुनुहुन्छ भने स्कुलमा गएर सहयोग गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ । ल साथिहो सुरु गरौ।
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Posted on 07-18-10 6:20
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Lets start writing on what can we do? how will it impact on normal or poor Nepali and what factor will make them more skilful and knowledgeable that will help Nepal to improve education, health and economy .
Lets start writing proposal here so everyone can edit on our topic that ultimately will become our project proposal.
Posted on 07-18-10 10:23
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La La chha chha Kaam Gar! At least there are folks who really care! But it's a lot of efforts so I wish you guys good luck and best of the best, I really do. I do not want to disappoint you guys by bringing up this issue.The problem is the scale of the problems we are talking about. Once we start a program, the mother-puckers appear in these programs like mushroom and start diverting the resources for their needs. So at least you will need to be involved full time, which is very hard if not impossible. My hat's off for you!
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Posted on 07-18-10 10:51
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Oh Sculptor ji, thanks for this thread. Dream is always good and dream big. "udesshya k linu, udi chandra chunu ek." ani yo chandra chai physically chune kura haina. We have to do everything according to time. As JFK said "time is a tool....' so Daytime, we really have to study(for students) and being student mean being humble. "Bidhya dadati binayam" bharea mero School ko report card lekhiyeko thiyo, aaja samma tyo card surachit chha. baki , different colors card also matter . I am neither an innovator nor workaholic Yet, but I am a dreamer. I Dream my country will be Peace country(Shanti-kshetra) again. We all have to wait patiently.
Lastly, daytime=study, night time=sleep to Dream. Sweet dream everyone
From Trump “I will revoke TPS, and deport them back to their country.”
If you got nothing to lose, fight tooth and nail explore every avenue
wanna be ruled by stupid or an Idiot ?
and it begins - on Day 1 Trump will begin operations to deport millions of undocumented immigrants
Travel Document for TPS (approved)
How to Retrieve a Copy of Domestic Violence Complaint???
Now, more than ever, is it a good idea to apply for advance parole?
TPS Travel Permit Processing time
MAGA मार्का कुरा पढेर दिमाग नखपाउनुस !
POE for TPS travel
Looking for girl
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