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Posted on 04-02-11 8:31
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Posted on 04-02-11 8:31
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Posted on 04-03-11 9:34
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It is indeed amazing how the thoughts in Hindu religion pertain to modern physics. If you are into cosmology listen to this part two and part three of swasthani katha on how it describes the origination of the universe.
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Posted on 04-03-11 9:55
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Posted on 04-03-11 1:28
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Thank you for posting this video. We really appreciate you taking the time to find and post it. Awesome work !!
For those who are dubious on the Super Science of the Vedas, I have posted below the link which contains the four Vedas, and many other
scientific journals that throw light on their validity. Since the terms used in the Vedas are different from the terms used by our physical science
of today, beginners might have difficulties comprehending the message. But from my experience (both reading and practice), I have found that
the contents of the Vedas totally corroborate the teachings of modern physics, and that modern physics just contains a miniscule fraction of the
knowledge propounded in the Vedic literature. It is a wonderful science that extends beyond the three dimensions (linear, cartesian and space), and includes in it dimensions of metaphysics (as Einstein said) and the subtle world which cannot be seen with the naked eyes, but do exist. Electricity, air, waves (thought waves, sound waves, light radiations, etc), quantum physics, relativity, time and space are all part of the deeper physics of the Vedas. It not only provides information but also helps one to master/ conquer these elements by performing alchemy/ experiment within one's own body by means of various practices which have been popularized in the name of meditation, Japa and other forms of Tapasya.
@No No No - it's really nice to hear that you have been meditating for a while, and I wish that you taste its nectar pretty soon. From experience, please also include with meditation some mental Japa (without audibly reciting the words). Also try to follow three more necessary requirements for success in it - swadhyaya (indulging in constant thinking of noble thoughts, reading such literature, eg Geeta, Veda, etc), Saiyam (self control, in the sense that you have to avoid draining your sexual energy, thought energy, and the energy/power of the senses in lowly desires), and Sewa (means service- even mere chanting of the "Shanti Path" or "Sarve Vawantu Sukhina" may suffice, if not more).
When sun's rays is spread in all directions, it cannot do much work, and shows little power. But when the same rays is focussed at a point by means of a convex lens (converging lens), it will have tremendous energy to do a lot of things- boil water, burn a paper, burn wood, pierce hole in a book, fry an insect, etc. Similar (in fact, many times more) is the energy that we have within us. We are wasting/dispersing this energy through our five senses, mind and intellect into our various activities. If we only focus this energy by controlling our thoughts, mind and senses into one point (say meditation on a noble thought, Guru, etc), this energy can pierce through our subtle energy centers in our body, and lead us into a different realm of higher dimensions. This is the science behind meditation, and it can truly create miracles. !
Thanks for the video No No No. I really enjoyed it !
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Posted on 04-03-11 2:14
PM [Snapshot: 382]
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thank you my friend it will all be my pleasure we r just doing gods works..may b making him more easier hahaha...loved ur writing..it was simple and easy to understand...we should keep posting something like this just to create more positive energy,
if u have mail id we can b frends , Hare krishna !!
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Posted on 04-03-11 9:43
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thanks for sharing!!!! that is what you call caring!!!!
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Posted on 04-03-11 11:29
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Last edited: 03-Apr-11 11:36 PM
yathaarth baadi banau |
Last edited: 03-Apr-11 11:40 PM
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Posted on 04-04-11 10:10
AM [Snapshot: 624]
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Yes; we are just proud what other think but what we have achieved being HINDU? Everything is limited into it;s book. The fault is the language Sanskrit is so rich and made it more vague and out of reach of general people. That is the fall of HINDUISM. We are as proud as this proverb "पुस्तकमा भएको ज्ञान र लासाको सुन को के काम'?
We are very happy and proud of our past and living with it, what is new in this era?
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Posted on 04-04-11 11:43
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I appreciate world's thinkers referring to Bhagvad Geeta at times of trouble and as the source for many evolution or advancements.....BUT IT IS STUPID AND TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE FOR US TO BE GLORIFIED IN THIS UNANIMOUS APPRECIATION ......why you must ask?.....BECAUSE u cannot relate atom bomb with mahabharat......what arjun did was for the fight for the right and to eradicate evil but what has nuclear bomb done similar...diasagreed to that..........and also i think this post just segregates other sacred texts that speak about evolution or cosmology like Quran.......but then i am suggesting that not everything is write hence we cannot except one but should appreciate all.....i think we all wud be in a better happy seat as humans appreciating all religion that trying to preach or brag our own!!!
Its the only planet we have as our home........and GOd probly is that powerful to control this planet in his/her entirety so i dont know why still people segregate themself from their own!!
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Posted on 04-04-11 12:24
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@Syanjali - The Vedas are in Sanskrit; yes, they are. That was the language of that time. So are the books that you study today- they're in English, and English is not your mother tongue; but still you learnt it, because knowledge is valuable. Knowledge can be in any language in any form. Again, this posting is not intended for people who aren't interested in the topic. Only those who have like interests may read it, and benefit from these.
@Anovan- No one is bragging about anything here; we're just exposing the gems that we have in our culture to many of our friends who do not know it. Before stepping out to know the world, we need to know ourselves. Before we talk about Quran, we need to know what's in our books. Empty-mindedness and shallow knowledge will take us nowhere. I agree with you on one point- we should respect all religion, and so we do.
PS- these postings are intented exclusively for those who wish to learn more about themselves- their identity, their culture, the meanings behind their cultural practices. Unless we expose these facts, our culture will just remain as a "Karmakand" as it has become today. The world is changing not for the good but for the worse; to inclucate human values and high morals in oneselves, it is very necessary that we transform ourselves, not physically but through thoughts and deeds. Some of you may not be able to digest these words, but not all need to change. It all depends on one's sanskaras how much and what he can take. Even a few sensitive/emotional/aware ones are enough to lead the path; others will follow ultimately.
There are four categories of people- "those who strongly resist the change, those who wait idly for the change, those who just keep predicting the change, but great is the one who brings about or effectuates the change" - Geeta
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Posted on 04-04-11 4:42
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Risalsa ,
i really respect for the time you give here, you write abt the ultimate knowledge,that i feel inside, and what i want to write back,
yes its hard to describe the divine taste , the human mind keep on using his intelligence, need proofs to believe,
there is something beyond our intelligence ,our logic is usless, no more calulation of the mind is needed.
drop ur mind, its useless,its a trouble, its a big wall between you and god.
hare krishna !!
Last edited: 04-Apr-11 04:44 PM
Last edited: 04-Apr-11 04:48 PM
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Posted on 04-04-11 7:37
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Hey man, don't worry abt people who r happy licking someone's ass clean lol keep it rolling, very informative thanx