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Dr babu
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Posted on 11-19-11 2:08
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What are the signs that your wife is cheating on you?
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Posted on 11-19-11 2:19
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I think women feel guilty after cheating and try to make up by being extra nice without any reasons. Also, if she frequently calls to find out about her partner's whereabouts, that might be a red flag. Infedels are extra cautious to avoid getting caught. Yeah, lastly Check for the LOVE BITES. :-)
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Posted on 11-19-11 7:47
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I will definitely tell you when I get married and I get cheated. wooooo baby it would be roller coaster ride. LOL.
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Posted on 11-19-11 8:52
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When you have erecitle dysfuction.
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Posted on 11-19-11 1:22
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dr babu,
if this is a long distance relationship,
1. she will give you extra attention.
2. she will call you everyday to avoid getting caught. (you'll feel relaxed cause you're being called everyday)
3. she will be over suspicious about your character(because she's the one commiting the same sin, thats why ' chor ley aru lai chor dekhcha' bhaney jastai, she'll ask you more question, and you would end up thinking there is no reason to doubt her)
4. she will always tell you that she'll call you, and if you tell her that you'll call her anytime, she'll create reasons.
5. she fakes crying/weeping and swears even for small things. she acts agitated and easily get angry at you and later come back
asking for apology .
6. she tells you she has to go out for her didi's work, mother's work, father's work or friend's work, you know what is her work right?
7. she has an extra tuition class(if she's studying there)
8. she never picks up the phone in her time and when you ask her, she'll easily tell you she was doing her home chores and was away
from the phone. (you should know by now what's her home chores)
9. she thinks most probably you are also doing the same thing and thats how she'll defend herself. But before that she'll fight her way out to defend herself and to cover her lies upon lies.
10. If she finds another guy has smaller tool than yours, she'll break up with that guy and come to you back. But if she finds another guy has bigger tool that yours, she'll leave you like a cat shit. (one of the reasons only, there could be possibly many emotional reasons as well)
If you are asking me how do I know all about this?
I was a psychology student seeking participants for thesis on infidelity,
I've done a thesis on this particular issue during my psychology class.
To my understanding, woman are very complex creature.
-Some even come back to you after you catch them redhanded.
-Some ditch you like nothing happened.
-Some are bigtime players, plays you whole life without even noticing what she's cooking behind your back.
And, once a cheater, always a cheater. That's my conclusion.
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Posted on 11-19-11 2:28
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1) Ask her for her facebook password.
2) if she has a smartphone invite her to an app that locates her whereabouts.
3) Do a pre-nupital stating that she won't get any money from you in case of a divorce which is brought about by infidelity.
That should be pretty fool-proof!!
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Posted on 11-19-11 3:08
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I think his context could be where husband is living abroad whereas wife back home.
So, these facebook and app thing may not really be relevant.
But that's a nice tip though for others.
Ram Kumari
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Posted on 11-19-11 4:49
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I don't think Nepali girls cheat their men.
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Posted on 11-19-11 4:59
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Posted on 11-19-11 5:16
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Ram kumari....trust me they do.....and bittertruth.....ur research's conclusion is awesome and very true
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Posted on 11-19-11 6:52
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dr. babu, based on your question i believe that you are a married man and you think your wife is cheating on you. sorry, if my assumption is wrong. i personally think that there are NO symptoms of your wife cheating on you; you have to find an evidence before you can say that she's cheating. if you don't have any evidence then you don't trust her and are probably thinking too much about things you shouldn't be. now, if you start looking for sings and symptoms, people will show you 1000s of them and they don't do any good except helping your suspicion grow bigger. that doesn't mean that women (or men) don't cheat, they do. but you can't just say that your spouse is cheating on you just because of few behavioral changes - we (humans) are dynamic: things keep on changing, and a lot of them are unpredictable.
now, you can either assume that your wife is not cheating on you (just like you are assuming that she's cheating) and live happy until the day you find evidence that she was cheating (if any), or believe that she's definitely cheating and do whatever you wish.
bittertruth, i like your list but all of it is not true or at least not applicable to all people. Good thesis though!
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Posted on 11-19-11 7:46
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In long distance relationship: Bittertruth, you admit that "Women are complex creature and its difficult to understand them." So, how can you say that they could be cheating on men just like that. Based on your thesis that you did for your psychology class, which you must have completed in about six months at max., you came to a conclusion which a sociologist or the psychologist could not prove in their life-time's professional involvement..
It is not that i completely disagree. Part of this could be the sign of infedility. But, the steps that you have mentioned could resemble in someone else life dude, without having him/her cheating their partners. I do not need to explain how human pyschology goes, once they start distrusting their loved ones....It is very natural that they will " MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILL," which needs no further explanation because you are a pyschology student and their isn't a point of denial that it wouldn't happen in human behavior. Your thoughts might end up breaking someone's healthy relationship.
Dr. Babu! if you are so concerned about your wife cheating on you, I believe which is serious and not fake, i would recommend you to talk to her directly. I am not talking of my expeirence, but i am sure the solution lies on you. You can initiate talking to your wife about your doubts, and then act accordingly. Well, it depends upon how open you are to understand her, but if i were you and i had to raise the question in my relationship, i would outspoke softly being ready to hear anything that she might reply. Try to understand the cause of it because sometimes it might just be misunderstanding or anything you name....! There is always a way to work things out only if you guys are ready to keep your relationship. I would suggest always give a try to work things out. Relationship are not meant to be broken so easily, and it takes a lot to move on and trust someone else again, if you decide to move different ways.
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Posted on 11-19-11 8:13
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Every body cheat every body , Truth is not even in god's place, they over come with their logic and put every thing in their favor/side.
Cheating is part of life, no one can be 100 % truth and it is only in theory. In practicle life cheating or not telling the truth or lie is part of life.
Who did not cheat? If is like who did not pass the gas.
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Posted on 11-19-11 9:34
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Thank you guys for the appreciation. It's not a thesis that I've put on here. My thesis is 34 pages long and it was more in detail.
The basic conclusion is whoever cheat they tend to cheat again and again no matter how hard they try to prove that they won't.
And those who don't cheat, may or may not cheat in future. It depends according to their socio-economic-cultural environment.
a. if a husband catches a wife redhanded(here redhanded means not necessarily having sex in the bed. It also could be pictures, information about accurate date and time of event,name of the person etc) first she'll try to defend herself every way possible. Provided proof, she'll heavily accept it and starts all her drama. Relationship breaks instantly and legal procedures begins eventually.
b. Men do cheat more than women. The complexity lies on women's behavior. Man can cheat her spouse but still he could retain his love for his very own wife. Most of the time if woman cheats, (they're more emotional than man) she could easily get away with her old relationship and start fresh. These accurate cases are more prevailing in surveys. Like men, some women do and can live with their husband bound by their parental responsibilites even after all these mess. But, relationship afterwards goes through undesirable experiences. There are very rare cases, where they pretend they understand each other and live together happily. They share sexual partners and still be together. This is extremely rare in our society but it could be there happening the time I'm writing these words. Some couples sexual horizon gets opened up after cases like this. Once again, this is very rare.
c. Some women when left behind for long period of time, say for years, they seek out for emotional friends. They unknowlingly hook up with their co-workers/friends. I've asked questions to few of those , and they don't really know why they did and what were they thinking when they're doing that. This really perplexed me. This is one of the reasons, women are complex creatures. Many of the men asked told they did it for fun and pleasure. They still hoped to be with their wives.
d. Some women show feelings of remorse and try to create their 'new-self' in order to get over of it. But, after few years, they're found doing the same thing. I
My conclusion : Once a cheater, always a cheater ' may not apply to everyone but majority falls under it. That's the solid conclusion.
@bideshi, I didn't say they could be cheating on their men, just like that. I've studied it and husbands should know about it.
@Dr Babu, esp I've a suggestion for you. If you are suspicious about your spouse, let her do her stuff until you get the solid proof. In India, they already have private detective agencies who works for families. Families hired them to find out every details of their would-be son/daughter-in-laws before marriage. Detectives spy on to find out if they are decent one or with strings attached by keeping an eye every places they go, they eat, they wander etc etc. In Nepal, we don't have that service in practice. BUT, you can hire someone dependable and do your thing if you really are skeptical about your wife's behavioural changes and want to know the reasons.
Acceptance is the key, be prepared for anything from now on and you won't suffer much when you face the truth.
See how it works for you. but I wish that every doubts of your turn in vain and you guys happily be together, forever.