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 The Illuminati and its relation with Communism
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Posted on 12-05-11 5:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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The Illuminati consist of the Jesuits and some of the world's richest families including the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Windsors (Queen Elizabeth). While they pay lip service to religion, they worship Lucifer. Their agents control the world's media, education, business and politics. These agents may think they are only pursuing success, but success literally means serving the devil.  Prisoners of their wealth, the Illuminati prefer hatred and destruction to Love. Understandably, they can't go public with this. They pretend to be moral while working behind the scenes to degrade and enslave humanity in a "new world order." Hiroshima, Dresden, Auschwitz, Cambodia and Rwanda were sacrifices to their god Lucifer. They are responsible for the two World Wars, the Depression and the Cold War. Sept. 11, the War on Terror and the Iraq War are their latest achievements. The Illuminati Conspiracy Against God  by HENRY MAKOW PhD

The plotters control the world's wealth. Their multinational corporations use Freemason symbols in their logos. Shell and Citibank have the rising sun; Exxon the double cross, CBS and Time Warner the eye of Horus; Alcan and AOL, the circle in the triangle. Their mass media, education and politics all create an illusion of democracy in order to control and defraud humanity. The Great Seal of the United States reflects the unhappy truth. It is also a Freemason symbol and bears the inscription "We have achieved New World Order." Almost all American Presidents including George W. Bush are Freemasons or Illuminati. Did Rothschild Write The Protocols of Zion ? By Henry Makow Ph.D (September 21, 2003)

Karl Marx, Lenin and Trotsky, all Jewish Freemasons, were essentially dysfunctional losers who were employed by the Illuminist bankers to hoodwink the masses. Lenin for example had been an unsuccessful lawyer who had only six cases in which he defended shoplifters. He lost them all. A week later he gave up the law to become a highly paid revolutionary. Lenin declared: "Peace means quite simply the domination of Communism over the entire world." His reign of terror caused nine million deaths but you never see him compared to Hitler. The secret police, the Cheka, dominated by Jews, published the names of 1.7 million people they murdered in 1918-1919, including 300,000 priests. "A river of blood flowed through Russia," Lina writes. "According to official Soviet Reports, 1,695,904 people were executed from January 1921 to April 1922. Among these victims were bishops, professors, doctors, officers, policemen, lawyers, civil servants, writers...Their crime was 'anti social thinking' " Did Rothschild Write The Protocols of Zion ? By Henry Makow Ph.D (September 21, 2003)

Luciferians like Rothschild, Lenin and Hitler still control the planet and intend to enslave humanity. I'm afraid that this will become increasingly evident. I pray I am wrong. This is a debate I want to lose. Did Rothschild Write The Protocols of Zion ? By Henry Makow Ph.D (September 21, 2003)

It was not a large leap for a J.D. Rockefeller to go from owning the oil industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the banking industry etc. to wanting to own the whole world. This is the reason that Rockefeller and his foundation have been in the forefront of the population "control" and eugenics movement. Ultimately the goal is to reduce the earth's population for the simple warped reason that the less there is for you and me, the more there will be for J.D. and his cronies. The elite just loves birth control. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Ted Turner are among the ultra rich that have donated billions to spreading the gospel of contraception, abortion, and feminism using the United Nations and "US Aid." Rockefeller funded the invention of the pill, the IUD and owns the rights to the abortion drug RU-486. In the last 50 years, billions of public dollars have been spent on "family planning" designed to limit population by deceit and coercion, including compulsory abortion and infanticide. In "The War Against Population (1988)," Dr. Jacqueline Kasun writes that in 1981, a directory of population control agencies in Washington DC listed 92 private (but mostly publicly funded) agencies, 12 United Nations and 57 agencies of the US government (p. 198). "The real problem of government family planning is not one of families out of control but of planners out of control," she wrote (p.211). The Devil's Work: Feminism and the Elite Depopulation Agenda By Henry Makow Ph.D

For the same reason, the Elite is behind "sexual liberation" and "gay liberation." Through funding and media control, they make us regard sex as a recreation/physical release rather than as the expression of a spiritual bond (i.e. a loving marriage) resulting in children. The Elite modus operandi is to finance and promote disgruntled minorities in order to destabilize and undermine the world. Feminism is a prime example. It pretends to be about giving women equal opportunity in the workplace when in fact it is devoted to discouraging women from seeking fulfillment in motherhood. The Devil's Work: Feminism and the Elite Depopulation Agenda By Henry Makow Ph.D

Do we need further proof that the world is one-horse company town, and J.D. and his cabal own the company? They decide which politicians, universities and academics get funding, which books get published and reviewed, which movies get made. We are condemned to look into mirrors that don't reflect reality. That's why we are so skeptical of conspiracy. The Devil's Work: Feminism and the Elite Depopulation Agenda By Henry Makow Ph.D

Feminism masquerades as a movement for women's rights. This kind of deception is typical of subversive movements of Communist origin. In reality, feminism is ruthlessly opposed to femininity, masculinity, heterosexuality, the nuclear family and children. It deliberately promotes homosexuality which, according to experts, is a form of arrested development. Feminism neuters women, rendering them less fit to become wives and mothers. Men are emasculated, unable to create families, or make sacrifices for the sake for their children. If feminism were genuine, it would have disappeared when discrimination against women ended. It continues as a tool of the elite agenda: depopulation, de stabilizing society, and dismantling Western Civilization. Feminism, New World Order and Rockefeller's New War By Henry Makow Ph.D.

Posted on 12-05-11 8:01 PM     [Snapshot: 76]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is really stale "conspiracy news" brother. If you really want to spread lies, instead of copying and pasting, why don't you at least come up with your original theories. It would at least keep us entertained :).

Posted on 12-06-11 12:11 AM     [Snapshot: 129]     Reply [Subscribe]
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it's a script straight off some suckiest movies..


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