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 Dream catcher - a poem
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Posted on 03-01-12 11:04 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Had been there and done that, raw feeligs were rife,
but never knew what I had been really missing in life.

Until i met you, one rainy night under the masquerade,
I could still notice you under the mask in that parade.

I stood there, in front of you completely vivacious,
dancing in those lovely tune and feeling gracious.

Then, I handed you the power, the power to destroy me
and the power to empower, my faith on you was the key.

We've realised a dream, but other dreams are in the chain.
When, how the chains of dream will unfold, mysteries remain.

But I am here, upright on my knees, to receive with utmost complacence;
My good lord knows the better of all Our destiny it is, which takes precedence.

So, bless us oh dear god, we are what you want us to be,
cloud hangs over on our way, but silver lining what we can see.


Posted on 03-01-12 1:43 PM     [Snapshot: 92]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Another beautiful piece of yours Nepchu. For me, your poem falls under the category of " More you read it, harder it gets to understand" :)

Liked the positive vibes in those lines. You can make plans but cannot be certain when those plans would materialize. You can always predict but cannot be sure. So true.  


Last edited: 01-Mar-12 01:43 PM

Posted on 03-02-12 11:27 AM     [Snapshot: 221]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks DKS and GT bros... :-)

Haha, "More you read it, harder it gets to understand"?? - Really? I had thought things should have been other way round.
"You can make plans but cannot be certain when those plans would materialize." - Although future is fickle, hope and optismism keep our dreams alive. Thanks a bunch for those few lines of encouragement, I really appreciate it. :-)
Posted on 03-02-12 11:37 AM     [Snapshot: 234]     Reply [Subscribe]
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वाह वाह नेप्चे ब्रादर वाह वाह . बडा सुन्दर रचना . आफुलाई औरेजिमा लेख्न आउदैन, क्या अर्ने क्या अर्ने .

Posted on 03-05-12 12:07 PM     [Snapshot: 357]     Reply [Subscribe]
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धन्यबाद ठुल्दाई| आउछ आउछ ठुल्दैलाई औरेजीमा धेरै कुरा लेख्न आउछ| फेरी भाषा को त कुरा गर्नु? संगीत र साहित्य को भाषा नै हुन्न रे| 


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