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 My Slap to Mr. Ang Kaji Sherpa's so called organization
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Posted on 06-13-12 7:50 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Believe what you want to believe not what they want you to believe.

An approach to the facts and figures of NEFIN

All the verses are taken from NEFIN's website http://www.nefin.org.np/list/Indigenous-People-of-Nepal/5/0/5 but the answers are written by  an independent organization.

  • Indigenous people population 37.2 percent of total national population. 


    Nepalis agree

  • Only 14 percent Indigenous people are in the civil service.

    Yes Nepalis agree

    --- the quota system is already in place to ensure direct representation in civil service. No need to compete with others during Lok Sewa Aayog exams .

  • 216 Indigenous CA members in the Constitution Assembly.

    Yes Nepalis agree----

    35.94% of indigenous people are well represented in the constituent assembly(now dissolved) may be a bit less than the actual representation.

  • Majority of 13,000 people killed during 10 years of Maoist Movement are indigenous people. 

    Yes--- Nepalis Agree

    It is sad ….nobody had to die. Blame the Maoists not others!


  • 65 percent of ancestral land of indigenous people are occupied by national park and conservation and forced majority of indigenous people to migrate else where. 

    Yes---- even to make a highway, people do get displaced .Most of the conservation areas are designated 40 years ago. Raute and Chepangs still live in those conserved areas ...why the fuss now. Compensation is ready till now.

  • Majority of Nepalese migrated abroad are indigenous youths.

    Yes ---Nepalis agree, so whats the point?

  • Majority of soldiers serving in India, UK and other countries are indigenous people.

    Yes---Nepalis Agree, again does NEFIN take pride in it or is it complaining?If it is complaining then what is the 37.2% of the total population doing in the country. Country is made by joining hands not by complaining.


    Majority of the girls sold for prostitution are indigenous.

    Yes----Nepalis Agree, in the sad terms but Anuradha Koirala is doing a great job so support her....Nepalis need to be more vigilant and aware. This is the product of lack of education and has nothing to do with ethnicity.

  • Majority of school drop out are indigenous students.

    Why?..... Because of the Nepali language? Now dont tell us that NEFIN wants every other coursebooks to be published in more than 100 different indigenous languages !

  • Majority of prisoners are indigenous people.

    Yes Nepalis agree…. police don't go hunting for innocent indigenous Nepalese. Nepalis ask the fellow citizens to be good for the community, that's it.


  • Many indigenous sale their kidney and blood to buy foods for the family.

    Yes ---- Nepalis believe this is more the product of economic deprivation and not actually cultural phenomena in indigenous people.

  • The word “Indigenous/Aadivasi” is not mentioned in any of the text books, in the past 5 constitution of Nepal, history books and museum in Nepal.

    Yes ---  Nepalis are always represented by Nepalis....indigenous or non indigenous both are Nepalis. If you want to debate then answer.. who were the Ranas (mostly a mixture of every ethnicity of Nepal) ? weren't they the ruling class for 104 years.


  • There are public holidays in the name of dog, cow and crow but  there are no public holidays for many indigenous festivals. 

    Yes----Nepalis agree ...recently no more dogs and crows holidays ...Nepalis opt for Lhosar and Chhat. Cow is revered as holy animal by Hindus if the majority of the population is Hindu then as Lhosar they also have the right of holiday. Nepalis want to be blessed not cursed.

    Many Indigenous people eating the beef meat are jailed for 10 years alleged of killing cow and ox because cow is national animal of Nepal. But Bahun and Chhetri owner of restaurants freely sale beef steak and no legal action is taken against them.

    Nepalis pity on NEFIN which formulated this language...this is more racially motivated than practicalities...go to Pakistan and eat pork meat there. If it was a national animal then why would someone kill and eat it.

    Societal harmony is maintained by some sacrifices and compromises. If majority of population don't eat beef then why does NEFIN want to do that publicly.

  • Police and army celebrate Hindu festivals such as Dasai, Tiahar, Basanta Panchami spending million of rupees from national revenue.

    Yes----How about buddha jayanti , they do the same...its not about expenses ..its about our cultural harmony which is going on for ages. Nepalis believe in all the religions...there is no separating line between Hindus,Buddhist,Islam or any other religion and philosophy.

    Nepalis follow what they want to follow...so NEFIN should refrain from prejudice.

  • Buddhist indigenous soldiers are forced to worship Hindu religion in police and army barracks.

    NO------>Nepalis dont accept it...if you say so....all Nepalese are against it....Nepalis be aware...no discrimination on caste,creed,ethnicity or religion. This is ensured in the secular constitution.

  • Spends over 200 millions rupees to preserve dead sanskrit language. No sufficient but budget to print indigenous language text books and hire teachers to teach indigenous language.

    Yes Nepalis believe ---the 200 million thing is just too exaggerated …..indigenous languages need to be preserved by any means , but why should Sanskrit be left out....come-on it is the mother of all Germanic languages.

    sanskrit is the basis of indo-shino civilization.It may be dead(as said) but the generations to come will hold us accountable for its degeneration if it is not preserved.

    Be practical NEFIN ,bring all your ethnic language speakers (who can be teachers ) translate all the text books in more than 100 different languages, and wait.... the classes should also be separated to each and every ethnic groups of students.

    Wow, there is a simple solution Nepali is spoken by the majority, just give indigenous language as an apart course if they opt to.


  • Bhote Indigenous people of Bajura District including many indigenous in the far west of Nepal are forced  to take citizenship with Brahman and Chhetri identity.

    Nepalis,never heard of it--- citizenship is a process and should be met accordingly by the laws and boundries Why would Bahun and Chhetris like to do it? If there are problems, the local leaders can always notify the authorized instances. Why are the Bhotes(not racially meant) not voicing their complaint.

  • Raaji, Kusunda and Tharu are still working as slavery and bounded labors. No change in the living standard.

    Nobody is a slave by Law in Nepal. If people force someone for slavery it is punishable by law.

    Living standard of every other Nepali is degrading day by day, this is solved by more economic activities and less racially motivated organizations like NEFIN.

Posted on 06-13-12 8:05 AM     [Snapshot: 21]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Good points !!!!!
I am not from Bahun and Kshetri category, but I still hate those misleading Indigenous issue. 
Posted on 06-13-12 8:19 AM     [Snapshot: 56]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Fact: Sanskrit is NOT the mother of German Language. They both share same root but you can trace the origin of German language to be earlier than Sanskrit.
Posted on 06-13-12 9:37 AM     [Snapshot: 149]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It is not him who is talking.  A tape recorder is being played from behind. Third party is playing with innocence of Sherpas. This  Ang Kaji is just a byproduct.

By going against so called "Khas" or "bahunbadis" he is going against the interest of Sherpas. None of his allegation makes sense.
At present he is trying to be Upendra Yadav. If you remember Upendra Yadav was made hero overnight, he was able to land in power sharing deal at that time. Mr, Yadav disintegrated faster than his rise and at present he is trying to hang on in Nepali politics.
This Kaji Sherpa  (with some master behind) trying to copy the rise of Mr. Yadav in Nepali politics without realizing the Mr. Yadav downfall

This type of puppet leaders come and go ,very fast. At present Mr. Sherpa (of course from His masters advice) trying to capture the headlines in media.
Our job is to hang on firmly and expose this type of guys wherever possible. They have made cast and religion a ladder to the power which is not acceptable in modern age.


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