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 Chettri king Shahs trickery and cheating

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Posted on 06-18-12 12:27 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 06-18-12 2:13 PM     [Snapshot: 252]     Reply [Subscribe]
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There are some people in Sajha actually who lives in states but need to learn some American history, I believe they need to take history 101. They need to learn how this country has been unified and what it was before. I know racism is still here but they are not quarreling like in Nepal, ppl are doing right now.
Posted on 06-18-12 2:25 PM     [Snapshot: 268]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 06-18-12 2:34 PM     [Snapshot: 312]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last time I checked, we live in a free world where everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you don't agree with my thinking, it's all fine and well. I am expressing my opinion not forcing you to agree with me.

Rahulvai when some is writing in english, it is rude to write in Nepali.
Last edited: 18-Jun-12 02:42 PM

Posted on 06-18-12 2:49 PM     [Snapshot: 356]     Reply [Subscribe]
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i always thought shrestha's are not the real newars!! :P

correct me if i am wrong!!
Posted on 06-18-12 2:53 PM     [Snapshot: 335]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Shrestha babu,

What iswrong with Nepali language ? If you are Nepali, you should love it.  If you hate Nepali, write in Newari, Ranjana lipi . I love newari too. Why  are you writing in  English, is it your mother language or trying to be over smart ?

के नेपाली बुझ्नु हुन्न र ? नेपाली भाषा प्रति घृणा छ र ?? कि तपाइँ आफुलाई नेपाली नै मान्नु हुन्न ??
बिदेशी भाषा संग यत्रो मोह किन ?/ तपाइँ को देश भक्ति र नेपाल प्रति हेराई यसै बाट बुझ्न सकिन्न र ??
Posted on 06-18-12 3:10 PM     [Snapshot: 403]     Reply [Subscribe]
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How could you be so rude by responding in your mother tongue, to a person who has been so polite to all the castes that's not his, and to our ancestors?
Posted on 06-18-12 3:15 PM     [Snapshot: 368]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last time I checked, we live in a free world where everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you don't agree with my thinking, it's all fine and well. I am expressing my opinion not forcing you to agree with me.

Shrertha Babu, if you are free to write your opinions regardless of others' views it is rude to ask someone not to write in particular language only because you don't like that. If you have freedom to write your opinions everyone has freedom to use language of their preference. 

Rahulvai when some is writing in english, it is rude to write in Nepali.

Shrestha Babu, if you can't write correct English it is better to write in your own language. It is rude to ask others to write in English when you can't write it correctly.  

Posted on 06-18-12 3:19 PM     [Snapshot: 388]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yeah this very asinine sense of DOOUKWASHI(aka freedom) is the main reason for this ethnic division.  And these are the very dimwits who wants apologies for something that happened a 100 yrs ago.  People that comitted these atrocities are dead, but these dimwits wants someone to pay to level their own fugging egos.  They are fugging pulling us backwards instead of moving forward.  yestaaa buddhijibiii haru lai ke bhanney.

Posted on 06-18-12 3:39 PM     [Snapshot: 448]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Stop trolling BC.A tough days awaits you in your grade 6 math class tomorrow.
Posted on 06-18-12 9:07 PM     [Snapshot: 756]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Shrestha Babu,
I like your dedication towards your culture. But take a time to think this way, these leaders(regardless of caste) want you to believe what they say. They are conveying this message of hate. I know majority of leaders in our country are bahun/chettri but NEVER judge people based on single fact.

All we need for our country now is unity in diversity and it is not happening. It won't happen but smart and intelligent person like you may want to take your time and think twice. Let's discuss the full history, lets find out whats wrong with newars  that they failed their kingdom. I am not an expert, but I think newars lost the war not because they are drunk or weak. In my understanding, Shah  chaged their "rananiti"(war rule??) in last minute and Mallas did not have time to figure out. Again, I am not an expert.

If you really want to believe what you believe, I dont have anything to say but if you want solution, there are plenty.
P.S - I am bahun and I love newari culture.
Posted on 06-18-12 9:38 PM     [Snapshot: 811]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Three simple questions for you Shresthababu

1. What was the source of income in the Malla kingdom? Do you know Jaya P Malla seized all the private lands of people to run the country? [that was the main reason why people of kathmandu helped P N Shah to win kathmandu]

2. Would rich newari culture which not only you we are also so proud of  surive if Chhetris (using your word) had not won valley? What would be the future of kathmandu and newari culture in the shadow of growing bengali muslim power/ christian power? 

3. What is the meaning of  word "Nepal" and which language is it from? Who shed blood to make that piece of land and named as NEPAL instead of Gorkha??

Try to find answers to these questions you will be good.

Posted on 06-18-12 11:13 PM     [Snapshot: 890]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Someone said "If you have freedom to write your opinions everyone has freedom to use language of their preference. "

If I speak to you in chinese, it is common courtesy to respond in chinese. Why would you want to respond in Japanese???

Nalapani where did you come up with the statement "Do you know Jaya P Malla seized all the private lands of people to run the country?"

This is not only about something that was 100 years old as someone pointed it out, it is about the treachery and trickery that still exists in the current Nepal and the majority is not newars.

Posted on 06-18-12 11:18 PM     [Snapshot: 909]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Wats Yau bottom line nigga???
Posted on 06-18-12 11:24 PM     [Snapshot: 903]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Shrestha babu, corruption is human nature and its not confined to just bahuns and chettris. Newroad ko gudpak ma gu misaera bechne ko? bahun ki newar? Ani 2.66 billion rupees lutera Nepal ko biggest financial scam garne Yogendra Shrestha pani bahun nai hola ni hoina?

Look, no one has any appetite for your ego fueled, divisive reconstruction of history where you sling mud at an entire race because of a few bad apples. The way you talk in your Hitler tone, makes me sick. Go burn your degrees and diplomas because
they're of no use to anyone
Posted on 06-19-12 7:22 PM     [Snapshot: 1278]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@shrestha babu,

Looks like you live in US. How US was created?
By killing inslaving its origional inhabitat . Spanish speaking ppl were in US before english speaking ppl. English speaking ppl led and won the its civil war thats why english become dominant language. Forget about Indians, Many people in US still consider latino community as immigrant from Mexico. Spanish  speaking people who colonised so called US first.
If the people living in US have your mentality they could  have started fight against english speaking comunity, some one will come up with idea that whites should be sent back to europe. and spanish should be american official language ( language of use).

Many allegation you said against khas kings also applies to english speaking community and  white people of US. And in US many community have lost their identity. But no fight in US why? Because ppl in US do not have hangover of the past. They always move forward thats why US is US with all its weakness and strength and Nepal is Nepa, where ppl canr see forward always looking behind.

And regarding your nepali language english language argument. Looks like you are trying to protect Newari  language by trying to write in english, what a great Idea.

Last edited: 19-Jun-12 07:24 PM

Posted on 06-19-12 7:59 PM     [Snapshot: 1303]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 धर्के ब्रो, 
भाषा को कुरा म माथि व्यक्तिगत आक्रमण हो . श्रेष्ठ बाबु भित्र नेपाल र नेपाली बिरुद्ध  नौलाख बिष जमी रहेको देख्दै छु . त्यसैले नेपाली भन्दा अंग्रेजी मा गर्ब गर्छन र नेपाली मा लेख्ने रुड हुन्छु. 
जहाँ सम्म नेवारी प्रोटेक्ट  गर्न  अंग्रेजी मा लेखेको होला भन्ने कुरा  छ, मलाई लाग्छ उहाँ लाई नेवारी लेख्न त के बोल्न पनि आउदैन. आधा भन्दा बढी श्रेष्ठको लाइ नेवारी बोल्न लेख्न आउदैन. नेपाली ले नेपालि बोल्नु र लेख्नु संग  चाइनिज र जापानिज को प्रसङ्ग जोड्दा थाहा पाउनु भयो होला उहाँ को तार्किक शक्ति र बैचारिक धरातल . 

म चुनौती का साथ् भन्छु , नेपाली शब्द र भाषा प्रति त्यति घृणा छ भने  आउ नेवारी मा छलफल गरौँ , यो राहुल भाइ नेवारी भाषा ( देवनागरी लिपि मा लेखेर वा रन्जना लिपि मा ) मा छलफल गर्न तयार छ . 

Posted on 06-19-12 8:43 PM     [Snapshot: 1335]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 "गुलाई चलायो, गन्ध!" भन्या जस्तो यो मुला दिमाग सड्या मान्छेसँग के दोहोरी खेलिरा पासाहरु? नाम श्रेष्ठ भए नि व्यबहार चाँही निक्रिष्ट छ भन्ने कुरो त निक्रिष्ट बाउचाले अस्तिन-अस्तिन सुरु गर्या धागोबाटै प्रष्ट भैसक्यो नि।
Posted on 06-19-12 9:01 PM     [Snapshot: 1342]     Reply [Subscribe]
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THIS IS NOT FAIR. Many against ONE.

Not too long ago, when grgDai said smth about Anngkaji video - boy, there were tens attacking him. I didn't think that was fair too. 

Posted on 06-19-12 9:28 PM     [Snapshot: 1392]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Shrestha babu sounds like the old user babal khate. Looking for some attention.

Posted on 06-19-12 10:30 PM     [Snapshot: 1429]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Newars are inviting a big calamity for themselves. They have prospered better than other caste in Nepal. Yet, they want to keep it all without sharing with others. Present political scenario might help them in their greediness, but in a long run they are losing faith, love and respect from fellow Nepali. 

Also, I have met with lots of Newar friends. Many of them are well established and are against this division. But those newari guys, who are lazy, dont know how to use their mind, unemployed, and penniless are behind this division. They dont want to work hard instead want to rob hard working people. 

I understand Sarki, chepang, madhesi, asking for federalism based on ethnicity, because we all should pay for our ignorance and arrogance too. How we used to treat those poor madhesi selling fruits and toys?

But Newars (not all of them --- only who are after division) are acting like a bunch of [Disallowed String for - bad word]#$%g retards? They wanna take country back to the days before Great King Prithivi Narayan Shah united the whole Nepal. 

Newars, if you dont get the job then its not because of your caste. Its because you were freaking lazy in school and college. You should blame "Chiyang, choila and Indian channels" for your misfortune not other Nepalis.  

Jai Nepal. 


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