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 Understanding the petition to increase financial assistance to Nepal
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Posted on 06-03-15 10:45 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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It is great to see Nepalis living abroad trying their best to help out in different ways, whether it be raising funds at the local level - their schools, their work, and in some cases even going to Nepal to help out in the ground. 

In parallel to all this, we are trying to tap into the $30 billion US budget for humanitarian assistance and international development. As you maybe aware, the United States of America sets aside approximately $30 billion every year for humanitarian purpose. Our goal is to receive a small percent of this overall budget, an additional humanitarian aid of $100 million from the US government channeled to Nepal earthquake relief. 

We have a three pronged approach to reaching our goals. Firstly raising money for the $100 million challenge, which was initiated by Humanitarian Dr. Fahim Rahim (https://www.crowdrise.com/NepalEarthquakes2015). Secondly, lobbying the lawmakers/senators to make our voice heard in congress/house - we have already reached out and got approval from few senators and congressmen. Thirdly using online petition below to show the level of public support.


It is this third prong for which we could use as much support as we can get from you to help us get closer to our goal of increased assistance from US Govt.

Lastly, this petition does not promote anyone or any organization in particular. It is just a direct request by concerned Nepalis asking the US govt to channel more aid to Nepal.

Thank you for considering to help the earthquake affected people get back on their feet.

Yours sincerely


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