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 Why you must not send your daughters to the US....Condt.

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Posted on 12-17-09 10:58 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I was wrong to post someone's picture on sajha, but don't you guys think Nepali parents should think twice before sending their daughters to the US? In the lack of supervision, I think Nepali girls are heading in the wrong direction. Consuming alcohol and living with boyfriend have become very common among our Nepali girls.
Will you send your daughter alone in this FREE country?

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Posted on 12-18-09 2:25 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I do not know what it means. I opened this account 3-5 years ago and I think there was a couple of errors while typing. I was teaching my young son something and he was unbearably acting weird. I was annoyed at him. I now remember I typed in ma (maila for second son as I am a second son) and the rest was filled in by my son (he was 3 then). I did not know what to do, spank my son, tell him, "Great job, son" etc. Finally I felt the userid sounded freaking good.

I wonder what could it mean, too?

Posted on 12-18-09 2:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Magda dela= you ask, he may give!

Posted on 12-18-09 2:45 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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But to say the least, the parents should know beforehand any way where their daughters are going. My sinful eyes have seen a lot in this kaliyug! I sometimes think why I am here in the US. Futher more, why I am not leaving this country. I wish I had gone back a long time ago when I was loaded with greenbacks to my neck.

Posted on 12-18-09 2:47 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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As long as daughters are under supervision, they are alright! You gotta give them a nice culture.

Posted on 12-18-09 3:18 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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kbhanchayobhai, your meaning of culture is unclear, would you define that first?

Posted on 12-18-09 3:23 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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`We can tell the supervisor to supervise the Nepali girl in the US but who will supervise the supervisor to make sure that the supervisor is supervising the girl 24x7.
Posted on 12-18-09 3:55 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Grow up Bhai.

If you were here you'd probably be acting like a monkey trying to dance with one of those girls yourself. Hope you find a girl soon... so for now- get a life and stop posting other peoples' pictures.


Posted on 12-18-09 3:56 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hereigo, whatever sh*t you do in your day to day life is your culture! The food you eat, the clothes you wear, the vehicle you drive, the games you play and watch, the people you respect, the lifestyle you choose and so on. We are Nepali and we have our own culture. Now, use your common sense and tell me about f**king American culture!

Posted on 12-18-09 4:10 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good defination, kbhanchhayobhai ,
 Do ppl in America not eat, gather, celebrate, mourn, and live? So now define me how America doesnot have a culture as u claimed.

Posted on 12-18-09 6:55 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 12-19-09 9:23 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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jasto nam ustai kam, "kbhanchakobhai" le bhaneko kura sunera k bhancha yo bhai? bhanera prasna utcha.

bhai you are looking at only one side of a coin and pointing out only behaviours you think are bad. What you are failing to notice or have never even considered noticing is that once Nepali youth enter USA, they go through a steep learning curve to become a man or a woman from an adolescent. within a couple of months they are far more responsible than their friends or siblings back home. uniharu aafno khutta ma ubhiyeka chan, kam garchan, college ko fee tirchan, rent, insurance, tax, status.......... bla bla bal. .......... they handle all that by themselves, which makes them an adult.

you on the other hand you are pointing fingers at people just because they happened to be in a bar with a bottle of hineken, you "kbhanchayobhai" should stop acting like a cry-baby and grow up.

Posted on 12-19-09 12:52 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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NightElf, I really liked what you said, but I have seen girls being strippers and misused by their bosses and coworkers. In some universities, sex for Nepali girls has become very common. Some of them have become out of control.

Posted on 12-19-09 1:42 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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being used by bosses and coworkers, : bad
sex for Nepali girls has become common :  well its common for guys and girls, i really don't have any problem with that. its their personal choice. I have no authority over any one, regardless of age, ethnicity, sex, or place of origin; to tell them what to do and what not.

I can understand your concern that us younger generation are deviating from the traditional Nepali culture. I personally don't think it  is entirely bad though, it would be bad if our culture was a 110% good. which is not the case.

You want every Nepali soul to march in one rhythm, and these youngsters are not doing just that. They are experimenting with a different rhythm of life, maybe someday they will come back to the traditional Nepali ways, maybe their faith will be stronger then. Nepali guys have done just that for a long time without much complain form anyone. and now women are joining the wagon too.

coming back to the being used issue, its our duty as a human being to try to help anyone being used in any way.

Posted on 12-19-09 2:44 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Just answer these things: Do you know exactly, for sure, what is 100% Nepalese culture? Do you have any idea, that behind the propensity of your ardent advocacy against Daughter's migration to the US, lies your lack of knowledge and, I daresay, common sense?
Ponder upon it!
You have flamboyantly posted these pictures, trying to educate parents in Nepal that the aftermath of their daughters after arriving in the US will be such. Douche-bag is the word appropriate for you!
Look up the word, Chauvinism.

"I was wrong to post someone's picture on sajha, but don't you guys think
Nepali parents should think twice before sending their daughters to the
US? In the lack of supervision, I think Nepali girls are heading in the
wrong direction. Consuming alcohol and living with boyfriend have
become very common among our Nepali girls.

Will you send your daughter alone in this FREE country? "
_tsk tsk!

"I really liked what you said, but I have seen girls being strippers and
misused by their bosses and coworkers. In some universities, sex for
Nepali girls has become very common. Some of them have become out of

_ho ra?

"As long as daughters are under supervision, they are alright! You gotta give them a nice culture. "

"whatever sh*t you do in your day to day life is your culture! The food
you eat, the clothes you wear, the vehicle you drive, the
you play and watch, the people you respect, the lifestyle you choose
and so on. We are Nepali and we have our own culture. Now, use your
common sense and tell me about f**king American culture! "

_oh, tyesto po raichha hai!

Needless to say, you are an uneducated, chauvinist and abusing person. I need not elaborate on any of your comments. They speak for themselves. Education is not something you get attending school, or in your diplomas. Even if your were a Ph. D. , I would still say, you are an uneducated fellow. Your idea of culture and system is twisted in series of inexplicably floundering misinterpretations, which goes like this, do you have Down's Syndrome ?

If you want to advocate a cause, which by all means, you are free to: gather some concrete evidences and solutions in your mind and discuss it in a orderly fashion. It is easy for me and all of us to hurl stones at each other, but very hard to come up with solutions. But then, we look for a solution when there is a problem. Is there a problem here? Show us, and maybe we will contribute! But if you keep to your obvious ranting: Go F**K yourself!

Posted on 12-19-09 3:00 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I don't know abt you mothaf**kers, but If I see my neighbor's or my friend's sister hanging around with a guy or with bunch of guys in an inappropriate manner, I will definitely let them know. By doing so, I believe I become a responsible neighbor or a friend. Isn't this our Nepali culture?

Posted on 12-19-09 3:20 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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There are few other ways of solving that "if" scenario. Lets say, you see that, and go tell her parents, what will happen? They will of course prohibit her from going out. Now she will be captivated in her own home. What she did, was out of curiosity! Why, haven't you done many things out of curiosity? Then, she will be a rebel, and outcome will be much more worse.
But what you could do is,  tell the girl yourself of the consequences of such behavior, and the impact that will put on her and her family's image. You can explain the consequences if you are so concerned, I am sure. That will put her perspectives in a line, and she will realize the dire consequences and mental hardship she will put herself and her family through. And the biggest result of your such intervention, will make you a hero, in your own eyes, and her eyes, and in the eyes of the society. Doesn't that make everybody happy?

Posted on 12-19-09 3:35 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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But, you know mcmxc, I may not be wise enough to convince that girl who has gone mad in her youth.

Posted on 12-19-09 3:49 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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seriousely, nothing is wrong in any of the pictures you posted.
you are just jelous that you can not have that life.

Posted on 12-19-09 10:23 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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i love beer and i love to wear shorts in summer....what would that make me in your eyes?

u snoop around ppls life and thrive on scum ...what does that me u??

remember u are not a designated nepali police who needs to discipline anyone who doesnt fit your standard. Just reflect of your own intention of assacinating characters of these young ladies and reflect on your own self.

getting attracted to opposite gender is a natural and is inharent in Nepali/ Human culture....I think you are just in awe as these girls are doing things that you couldnt do as yo Mamma told u not to......

Last edited: 19-Dec-09 10:35 PM

Posted on 12-19-09 10:56 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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what kind of person are you? You call people motha***kers, when they dont agree with you? You have big ego problem, and a pride which judges people for a can of beer on their hand. Learn to respect other. 

For your question about the picture of three girls tossing beer- "what if one of them was your sister or your daughter? "; seriously, i don't have any problem, as long as they are not drunk to loose their consciousness and do bad stuffs. In that picture they seem happy and all sober. Why should i be mad or sad for my sister or daughter's is having good time with her friends? My sister (cousin), me and my friends go to some bar occasionally and i have no problem. They all know how much to drink and they are all in limit. Again, i seriously have no problem if any of the above girls is my sister or daughter. 

And i think you are still in the typical Nepalese grandparent's hat. Please just get out of that narrow lined hat and look outside. Once you really learn to respect other and other's life, you wont post this kind of threads any more.


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