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 What are Maoists' real intentions?

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Posted on 04-30-09 11:24 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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think Maoists' tactics are clean and clear..they wanna control the
Nepal army and institute a totalitarian regime..all we general Nepalese
people were naive at that time when Maoists said that they wanted to be
a part of multi-party democracy..people trusted them and even voted
them..Now, they control the government..but, they cannot do everything
as they wish to because of opposing parties and Nepal Army..They know
that they can do whatever they want if they can control Nepal
Army..While making constitution, they will be able to scare the shit
out of Girija, Makune and other parties' leaders..and establish an
"almost" communist state..which has been their goal..Instead of taking
the state by fighting, they stopped fighting and faked joining the
established system..now, they are showing their true motives..

party Maoist can't control is India..If not there were India, they
would have ousted Katuwaal long ago..We can see that India has been
opposing Maoists' decision..Maoist is trying to tackle India problem by
trying to convince them they are not trying to bring communism..and
also, Maoist is being very close to China now, so that India wouldn't
attack them..

Lets see what happens next..

If Maoists do
get control of army and exercise all powers..they will definitely do
stupid things like dividing land equally haha and crazy things like
putting large tax and use it to for arms and ammunition..
OK, we
would be like North Korea or Cuba if we were not so much dependent on
India, so maybe we will be little less communist country than them..

what will happen? lazy Nepalese will be more lazy, foreing donations
will be cut off..probably stricker rules for Indians in Nepal and
Nepalese in India..people will be poorer..these Prachande and Baburam
will die..and our future generations will hate all of us, who either
joined these maoists or couldn't stop them..

Well that was long..I would like our sajha friends to write what they think are Maoists' true intentions..

Posted on 05-01-09 10:02 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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maoists and wisdom = dickhead baburam knows
Finally you proved to be one of the oldest dickheads in sajha.

go make all those bhedas at tudikhel understand, i have good job and secure future

Posted on 05-01-09 10:19 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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will you guys stop fighting

the thread is about not dickhead but about the intension of maoists. What Akarsan told is very true.

I will have a prize for anyone who can disprove the original posting.

abstract from the post

I think Maoists' tactics are clean and clear..they wanna control the
Nepal army and institute a totalitarian regime..all we general Nepalese
people were naive at that time when Maoists said that they wanted to be
a part of multi-party democracy..people trusted them and even voted
them..Now, they control the government..but, they cannot do everything
as they wish to because of opposing parties and Nepal Army..They know
that they can do whatever they want if they can control Nepal
Army..While making constitution, they will be able to scare the shit
out of Girija, Makune and other parties' leaders..and establish an
"almost" communist state..which has been their goal..Instead of taking
the state by fighting, they stopped fighting and faked joining the
established system..now, they are showing their true motives

Posted on 05-01-09 3:10 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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More opinions guys..

Posted on 05-01-09 9:37 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Saying one thing doing another is what Maoists are good at. They accuse the army of trying to launch a coup yet it’s their stated policy to launch an urban revolt to establish a Maoist republic. They talk of civilian supremacy but want Maoist supremacy over the army. For all those creeps cheer-leading the Maoists with “theirs is a legitimate government voted for by the people”, why would sending a pliant army against opponents be any less legitimate than what the YCL goons are doing already?

Posted on 05-01-09 11:54 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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त्यो मूजीहरूको अैले को इस्थीमI Intention  k हूनू नि, कटुवाल लाई निकाल्नि अनी त्यो रण्डीको बान थापा( खड्का ) लाई आर्मी चिएफ बनएरा त्यो YCL (य्स्याल) अनी प्क्ल (PCL) लाई आर्मी भर्ती गराउनि अनी सत्ता कब्जा गर्नी चरान हो, तेही त हो त्यो गाउका हरू लाई लिएर आको चन भाषान सुनौन अनी तिनी हरू पनी शहर जन पाये पछी खुस्सी का साथ आउनी भये क्यारे, हामी ले k पो गर्न सकिन्छ हेर्नी बस्ने भएक         
Posted on 05-05-09 11:58 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This newly released video of Prachanda, the deshdrohi, underscores the maoists' true intentions..

Posted on 05-05-09 12:02 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Here is there real  intentions. just watch this and figure it out. this is the proof.


Posted on 05-05-09 1:28 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Completely agree with Aakarshan,

We have love hate relationship with India. There is no way in the world we can move up without Indian support so rather than whining, we have to be smart and USE India so build better Nepal.

If that was true Prachand's indentation, then may be India did contribute to prevent from happening, may be India is our good neighbor in disguise…..not to mention they have their own interest on it ( Remember, there is no such thing as “free lunch” ).



Posted on 05-05-09 1:44 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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did you see maoists vision for the country



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