think Maoists' tactics are clean and clear..they wanna control the Nepal army and institute a totalitarian regime..all we general Nepalese people were naive at that time when Maoists said that they wanted to be a part of multi-party democracy..people trusted them and even voted them..Now, they control the government..but, they cannot do everything as they wish to because of opposing parties and Nepal Army..They know that they can do whatever they want if they can control Nepal Army..While making constitution, they will be able to scare the shit out of Girija, Makune and other parties' leaders..and establish an "almost" communist state..which has been their goal..Instead of taking the state by fighting, they stopped fighting and faked joining the established, they are showing their true motives..
Only party Maoist can't control is India..If not there were India, they would have ousted Katuwaal long ago..We can see that India has been opposing Maoists' decision..Maoist is trying to tackle India problem by trying to convince them they are not trying to bring communism..and also, Maoist is being very close to China now, so that India wouldn't attack them..
Lets see what happens next..
If Maoists do get control of army and exercise all powers..they will definitely do stupid things like dividing land equally haha and crazy things like putting large tax and use it to for arms and ammunition.. OK, we would be like North Korea or Cuba if we were not so much dependent on India, so maybe we will be little less communist country than them..
Then, what will happen? lazy Nepalese will be more lazy, foreing donations will be cut off..probably stricker rules for Indians in Nepal and Nepalese in India..people will be poorer..these Prachande and Baburam will die..and our future generations will hate all of us, who either joined these maoists or couldn't stop them..
Well that was long..I would like our sajha friends to write what they think are Maoists' true intentions..
maoists are terrorists
Intensions of terrorists is terrorism. Its upto nepalis to continue supporting terrorism like bhedas or take some time to cool mind and think about in the long run
We will be bheda if we follow what outsiders like American government tells us what Maoists are. I left Nepal when the insurgency just started so I don't know what actually they have done there apart from the news and I don't trust news as they always write what makes their paper sell (which is very true here in the West as well). I have been to Nepal several times and haven't come across any maoist extortions. However, in 2003, I met some Germans on the trail to Everest Base camp who were quite supportive of them despite paying Rs.500 levy charged by them, which was bit of a surprise for me. Are they really that mean or are we just making assumptions on the news that we have heard. My analysis makes me assume that apart from the YCL chors and their recruitment of underage people, Maoists do have vision for better Nepal. Whether they will be successful in Making Nepal better or not, time will tell. So lets not be bhedas and share some real incidents involving Maoists and yourself, not something that you heard from your friend.
Its not timi haru, its our Nepal. No matter where we live, we were born Nepalese and we are concerned about Nepal that's why we are discssing things about Nepal. I went to Singapore four years back, when I heard the story of my guide how he used to fetch water that was brought for distribution on the back of a buffalo, I was intriguied. He said he used to think when his country will be developed like India. Well, I would say that the leader did have vision of making Singapore Switzerland back then. That was only about twenty thrity years back. Just see where Singapore is now. Now that is read story from Singaporean not what I have read in papers. Read the story about South Korea as well if you get chance. Katwal after all is General, it is not so easy to topple someone so powerful. See I had been supporter of Congress while in Nepal and one of my close relative is Congress Leader as well, see where they led to country to. But by coming to West I have learnt to take all the things into perspective and balance things looking at good and bad of government before making any judgement. That's why there is change of government in West whenever the ruling government imposes bad policies and they don't try to make things difficult for those who are in government even if it is for good of country. And be aware that I am not Maoist supporter but I want to see what they will do. If they are culprits like Congress, UML and other parties, people will judge, we don't need to bark from here.
mutuwa jangalis dont have guts to sack katuwal, they are just shouting in tudikhel.
maoists vision: 1. seize others property 2. chanda atanka 3. kill journalists who write against them 4. have all family menber along with 30 other people for US pleasure visit in peoples money 5. attack on media house
lots more to continue after you tell where you travelled and how many parties you supported........
Well my grandad was landlord and I am worried about my land as well. I have come to know about few maoists relatives outside Nepal and that also I got from others, I haven't met them yet. About travelling, I have travelled more than dozen countries, I dont' think I need to list them all, most of them in West but my travel to Singapore came about while on a trip to Kuala Lumpur. But if developed Nepal means seizure of my property in Nepal, so be it as I have enough asset here to live my life comfortably with. As I said I have only heard these things from News, have you ever witnessed any yourself? Weapon of mass destruction was reality in papers until it was proved wrong.
फलानाले गर्न दिएन भनेर र कालो मोसो दल्दै हिडेर देश बन्ने भए समृद्द मुलुकहरुका विद्यार्थिहरु कलम र ल्यापटप हैन बाल्टीमा कालो मोसो बोकेर कलेज र युनिभर्सिटि जान्थे होलान तर ८-१० वटा देशको दर्शन गर्दा पनि नेपालमा बाहेक देशलाई समृद्ध बनाउन कलेज र युनिभर्सिटिमा "कालोमोसो"को प्रयोग अरु देशमा देख्न पाइएको छैन
See sYaKuuRioAKU, I am not saying what they did in university was right. BTW kalo moso daline manche happened to be a very distant relative of mine, a coincidence, and that really infuriated me. If you look at my earlier post, I have said that maoist affiliated YCL and other youth wings are culprits, additionally I am not trying to coax you to support Maoists and neither am I trying to support them in everything.
An incident that I came across with, one of the prominent leaders of Nepal is good friend of mine and stayed with me when he came here few months back. I was shocked to hear that he was asked to smuggle some people out of a country for few lakhs each by another prominent Congress leader in Nepal. I am not going to speak the names out as my friends is very honest and he didn't agree to it and speaking the names out will create a propaganda and I haven't got the recording to prove it but swear to god I am not lying. Now this is what I call concrete evidence. So there are still few good leaders in Nepali Congress as well like him, they are just not getting chance.
I am just trying to say that we have to see at least for a while, what maoists will do and not criticize them without concrete fact that you have encountered yourself. Judging by your comments I can envisage that you are in your twenties, when I was like that too. If you are prejudiced you will only look at negatives and ignore the positives. Anyways I need to get back to work and hope that Nepal develops as well, no matter who runs the country. Jai Nepal.
Well that shows what you are. Abuse is what most Nepali are good at doing. Coming to the conclusion that I will be interested in the size of your so called Ddicck is what you can think of and don't worry about my hair getting white, I will be proud to grey my hair through wisdom. Ok maoists are bad, so what, that is not going to change anything in my life, neither does any other parties. If to make one nepali understand basic point is so difficult, wonder how difficult it would be to make the whole of Nepal understand. And also save your ddicck size for your next lover because he might not feel it when you use it becuase of corrosion, for you might have offered it to anyone you have met in the past. With this kinda attitude you will never get to where you really want to be brother.
It’s not that I didn’t like Maoists at all. I thought they would do something good for the country. It’s been almost a year and nothing has happened. I know it would take few years to judge them but look at it, where are they heading. Terai has been closed for few days and the price of everything in valley has been skyrocketing. Despite solving the problem of Terai and making the life easier for normal people, they are after COAS. Is that important right now? He’s got only few months left, he is leaving the post any why. I don’t understand why are they doing this? We all got family or friends in Kathmandu; ask em’ the everyday life they have been going through.
the thread is about not dickhead but about the intension of maoists. What Akarsan told is very true.
I will have a prize for anyone who can disprove the original posting.
abstract from the post
I think Maoists' tactics are clean and clear..they wanna control the Nepal army and institute a totalitarian regime..all we general Nepalese people were naive at that time when Maoists said that they wanted to be a part of multi-party democracy..people trusted them and even voted them..Now, they control the government..but, they cannot do everything as they wish to because of opposing parties and Nepal Army..They know that they can do whatever they want if they can control Nepal Army..While making constitution, they will be able to scare the shit out of Girija, Makune and other parties' leaders..and establish an "almost" communist state..which has been their goal..Instead of taking the state by fighting, they stopped fighting and faked joining the established, they are showing their true motives..
Saying one thing doing another is what Maoists are good at. They accuse the army of trying to launch a coup yet it’s their stated policy to launch an urban revolt to establish a Maoist republic. They talk of civilian supremacy but want Maoist supremacy over the army. For all those creeps cheer-leading the Maoists with “theirs is a legitimate government voted for by the people”, why would sending a pliant army against opponents be any less legitimate than what the YCL goons are doing already?
त्यो मूजीहरूको अैले को इस्थीमI Intention k हूनू नि, कटुवाल लाई निकाल्नि अनी त्यो रण्डीको बान थापा( खड्का ) लाई आर्मी चिएफ बनएरा त्यो YCL (य्स्याल) अनी प्क्ल (PCL) लाई आर्मी भर्ती गराउनि अनी सत्ता कब्जा गर्नी चरान हो, तेही त हो त्यो गाउका हरू लाई लिएर आको चन भाषान सुनौन अनी तिनी हरू पनी शहर जन पाये पछी खुस्सी का साथ आउनी भये क्यारे, हामी ले k पो गर्न सकिन्छ हेर्नी बस्ने भएक
We have love hate relationship with India. There is no way in the world we can move up without Indian support so rather than whining, we have to be smart and USE India so build better Nepal.
If that was true Prachand's indentation, then may be India did contribute to prevent from happening, may be India is our good neighbor in disguise…..not to mention they have their own interest on it ( Remember, there is no such thing as “free lunch” ).
New Details Prakriti Lamsal (unofficial Forensic Files)
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