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 Today’s crisis - Are We Waiting for a Superman?
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Posted on 12-02-15 4:27 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is an excellent excuse to start a discussion in sajha about the current situation.

Today’s crisis - Are We Waiting for a Superman? - Pukar Nepal
In a recent discussion with Hon. Minister of Commerce and Supplies Ganesh Man Pun during the Daayitwa Leadership Series, we observed two opposing camps of thoughts. The first believes that Nepal is facing an identity crisis and the only solution is incorporation of the four amendments in the constitution. The second believes that Nepal is facing a fuel crisis and only after the end of India’s unofficial blockade, will the situation improve.

What became clear eventually was that Nepal needs a national mindset change. We must respect each other as genuine Nepalis regardless of differences in our ethnicities. We must advance from a state of dependency on authority figures such as government leaders to interdependency with them. From waiting to find the so-called Superman in authority figures, we will need to bring out the Superhuman that live in each one of us.

The conversation ended with a call for collection action - how can youth and Minister Pun collaborate on addressing today's crisis? This week, after few rounds of discussions among citizen groups and with the MoCS ministry, two task forces on trade and communication have been created to support the ministry on some critical activities.

Today’s crisis - Are We Waiting for a Superman?----------------------------------------------------------------In a...

Posted by Pukar Nepali on Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Posted on 12-02-15 4:38 PM     [Snapshot: 14]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Neo, what are the four amendments in the constitution that was mentioned in the post?

Posted on 12-03-15 5:25 AM     [Snapshot: 183]     Reply [Subscribe]
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1. The first believes that Nepal is facing an identity crisis and the only solution is incorporation of the four amendments in the constitution.
2. The second believes that Nepal is facing a fuel crisis and only after the end of India’s unofficial blockade, will the situation improve.

First of all, as @yacc asked, what four amendments is the first group talking about? Second of all, how are the two schools of thoughts independent? I don't see how you can address the second issue without addressing the first. Aren't some of the points the first group is talking about reasonable? Why doesn't our government address those?

Posted on 12-03-15 10:05 AM     [Snapshot: 264]     Reply [Subscribe]
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One common thing about this crisis is that nobody knows exactly what the real story is. If anyone knows the actual timeline of events and the demands that led to this stalemate, then it would be very helpful in getting a clearer picture.

Deepak ji has good links about the latest 11 demands and their futility

Deepak K Khadka
11 hrs

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