salikram jamakattel
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 EV and Hybrid cars are failing
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Posted on 05-01-24 12:23 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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just we thought EV is the new era and tesla will be the pioneer , EV are failing drastically . people who r spending their saving in buying tesla dip , the dip will go deeper and deeper and you will not be able to recover your cost .

lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese, and graphite needed to build EV batteries are harder and expensive to mine than the gasoline as a result the battery price will go further up and up .

if you think you are saving some $$$ on electric car wait until you loose double in replacing batteries , because batteries are going to be very expensive in future and it already getting . the cost of replacing battery in hybrid is more than vehicle itself and complexity of the system makes expensive while servicing .

so people if you want save on gas buy corolla , or Camry. stop buying tesla but toshiba and panasonic batteries stocks .
Posted on 05-01-24 12:29 PM     [Snapshot: 8]     Reply [Subscribe]
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We will take our chances
Posted on 05-01-24 12:47 PM     [Snapshot: 37]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I lost 3500 buying dip n it got deeper deeper deeper almost 99% . thank god i did not have more than 3500 to spend .

tesla appears to be sinking boat , they are lowering the price in their new vehicles but also taking out the warranties in batteries hence making money through batteries. changing batteries are as expensive as buying new cars . Ill take my 15 year old cr-v until its gives up .
Posted on 05-01-24 2:16 PM     [Snapshot: 122]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Whatever you're saying I think it's mediocre thinking. I envision EV car revolution as a strategic step towards sustainable transportation.

Here in US, most Indian IT professionals drive Tesla; do they earn well, or are they simple more shrewd than the typical Nepali job seekers who rely on fake resumes.

Posted on 05-01-24 2:56 PM     [Snapshot: 164]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Been an IT gy whole life haven't seen that many Indians driving tesla . Its hard to convince them buy except rav4, Honda pilot and Camry sometimes .

Indians don't trust tesla or other Evs that's the main reason tesla is still unable to setup a plant in India while they have their factories in small market like the Netherlands.

Sustainability don't go along with EVs in the US where most of the electricity is generated by natural gas , coal powered nuclear plant .

EVs are very good for small countries like Nepal that uses 100% clean energy and since the commute is typically short avoids range anxiety.

"range anxiety puts tremendous pressure in white female drivers, they are not able enjoy trips or vacations and leading cause of heart failure "
Posted on 05-01-24 3:46 PM     [Snapshot: 250]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"range anxiety puts tremendous pressure in white female drivers, they are not able enjoy trips or vacations and leading cause of heart failure "

“गोदाममै केहि गडबड छ भने शोरूम त एस्तै निक्लिने स्वभाविकै हो”
Posted on 05-02-24 7:12 AM     [Snapshot: 427]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@salikram - not sure where you are located but where I live, I have seen mainly indians (and chinese too) obsessed with Tesla specially the Model3. Tbh that model looks ugly. ModelS is something to be think about though
Posted on 06-13-24 11:27 PM     [Snapshot: 1614]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ग्यास स्टेशन मा गुप्ता जी लाई गुप्ताङ्ग सुम्पेर यो महामूर्ख ले यहाँ आएर electric vehicles को बारे मा पनि टिप्पणी गर्न भ्याएछ। साधारण जोड घटाउ गर्न नजान्ने, अकाउनटिङ मा फेल, घोर पटमुर्ख कहिले "my husband" भन्ने, तर प्रोफाईल मा single लेख्ने , सास फेरे जस्तो झुठो बोल्ने, अति डाहाडे र ईर्ष्यालु toxic failure of a human being ले अरु लाई दुर्वचन बोलेर आफ्नो pathetic existence लाइ justify गर्न खोजे जस्तो छ।

यो pathetic freak लाइ देखेर रिस हैन, घिन आउँछ।

Last edited: 13-Jun-24 11:42 PM

Posted on 06-14-24 12:08 PM     [Snapshot: 1772]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This sexy in sari looks like a transgender to me from day1. It has a identity crisis.
Posted on 06-14-24 12:28 PM     [Snapshot: 1783]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have an electric car for almost one year.Best thing about it is acceleration .Its acceleration is 4 second from o to 60miles.That makes great to pass vehicles in highway.Bad thing about it is can’t find charging station everywhere.chargijg from 20% to 90 takes almost one hour for my car.for bad EVs it takes more like 2 hours in DC fast chargers.Bad EV is like toyota takes for ever to charge.Good Ev is hundai ioniq 5.Its range is high on good weather but bad in extreme cold good weatger my car gives almost 350 miles in full charge but in extreme cold weather its range is around better to not drive EV in extreme weather .you have to spend lot of time on charging .20 minutes to find charger and more than one hour to charge.if you charge at home than it’s ok .
Posted on 06-14-24 1:24 PM     [Snapshot: 1782]     Reply [Subscribe]
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On EVs:
In a society that has embraced drive-through fast-food and coffee on-the-go who is going to bother to find time and effort to recharge EV batteries?
Even if the EV-owner has access to private charging system at home, range-anxiety is going to creep up anyway when you are taking an out-of-town trip. Some who have to rely on public charging stations (superchargers) are now complaining about rising charging costs amidst lacking network of charging stations. Also, now imagine being tethered to a questionable neighborhood at odd-hours waiting for turns or for actual charging - who knows how long it actually would feel like! 
The EV industry has not experienced a formal economic recession even though 2023-2024 period seems like one. May be that's why resale-values of EVs have fallen off a cliff. If one is still a fan boy/girl, you can get a used Tesla for $21k today. The EV industry might have been just propped up by the Government all along but such support cannot exist forever.
"range anxiety puts tremendous pressure in white female drivers, they are not able enjoy trips or vacations and leading cause of heart failure "
Logically speaking, an EV may be significantly less safe for attractive females if a sudden battery-issue occurs in the middle of nowhere.

On Gasolene-Battery Hybrids:
Contrary to the thread originator's opinion, hybrid cars are actually thriving. The latest version of Prius has earned rave reviews and believers are paying thousands over MSRP to get their hands on one in their limited inventory. With foreseen higher fuel prices, improved mpg, proven hybrid technology, reputed vehicle manufacturers have been vindicated against the EV hype/fad.
Coming to hybrid battery replacement, a blog has mentioned of $2700 including parts and labor for an OEM Prius battery replacement as of 2023. That may not be too bad given 100k miles more coverage and relative resale-value holding up well.

Last edited: 14-Jun-24 01:44 PM

Posted on 06-15-24 12:37 AM     [Snapshot: 1994]     Reply [Subscribe]
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जमकट्टेल जी, "शक्कम भरी" मा कुनै मानसिक रोग पनि हुन सक्छ, र mainly यो ईर्ष्यालु महामूर्ख हो
Last edited: 15-Jun-24 12:38 AM

Posted on 06-15-24 11:27 AM     [Snapshot: 2116]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What do you nean by sakqm bhari?
Posted on 06-15-24 9:08 PM     [Snapshot: 2245]     Reply [Subscribe]
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जमकट्टेल ज्यू, शक्कम भरी भनेको कुनै एक व्यक्ति नभई एउटा मानसिकता हो।

Example को लागि साझामा एउटा low iq, विक्षिप्त , ईर्ष्यालु मानसिक रोगी का post हरु लिन सकिन्छ।

Accounting मा फेल भै अनेक झुठ र फरेब को खेती गरी ग्यास स्टेशन का "गुप्ता जी" हरुलाई गुप्ताङ्ग सुम्पेर तिनको "शक्कम भरी" गरेर वर्षों देखि minimum wage मा झुण्डिएर बस्ने यो loser ले आफ्नो हीन भावना लुकाउन यहाँ टाइम टाइम मा आएर अरुलाई insult गर्ने गरेको छ।

 अलिकति पढेलेखेका, अलिकति college डिग्री भएका, अलिकति कम्प्युटर वा अरु higher level iq चाहिने job गरेका,  अलिकति राम्रो salary र stable job भएका नेपाली मूलका हरु प्रति यसको ईर्ष्या, डाहा र द्वेष यसका विगतका लेखाइ बाट छर्लङ्ग हुन्छ।

यो bipolar hateful loser केटा हो कि केटी हो, married हो कि single हो, यसका beliefs के हुन्, यसका घृणा र ईर्ष्या ले भरिएका लेखाइ बाट बुझी नसक्नु छ। 

एकमा त महा low iq मूर्ख, त्यसमा पनि hate र jealousy र delusion ले व्याकुल, र अझ अनेकन  "गुप्ता जी" हरु लाई रिझाएर minimum wage ग्यास स्टेशन  job टिकाउनु पर्ने वाध्यता ---   थुक्क यसको जुनि।

अनि गुप्ता जी को गुप्त क्रिम पिएर मुख समेत नपुछि यहाँ आएर अरुलाई प्याच्च प्याच्च insult गरेर आफ्नो delusional mind लाई ढाडस दिन खोज्ने

शक्कम भरी भनेको यो हो

Last edited: 15-Jun-24 09:10 PM
Last edited: 15-Jun-24 10:41 PM

Posted on 06-15-24 11:04 PM     [Snapshot: 2331]     Reply [Subscribe]
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स्र्किन शट हेर्दा sexy in sari भन्ने आइमाई पैसाको लागि जो संग पनि सुत्दै हिड्ने , भुडी बोक्दै अबोर्सन गर्दै हिड्ने आइमाई पो देखियो त , खास कुरो के हो ??
Posted on 06-16-24 1:57 AM     [Snapshot: 2403]     Reply [Subscribe]
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जमकट्टेल ज्यू, sari त हो तर sexy चाहिं कुन्नि?   बरु "शक्कम भरी" चाहिँ हो कि?

Last edited: 16-Jun-24 01:58 AM

Posted on 06-16-24 10:17 AM     [Snapshot: 2518]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Indeed , if she was a beautiful or a worth even a penny, she wouldnt have been a single mom. Thats a reason sombodh left him a looking for a potential sugar dad here jn sajha.

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