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 Attack on Media
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Posted on 06-20-07 12:38 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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To all Concerned Press Freedom Related Organizations

Today the distributors associated with Customers Solutions Pvt. Ltd, distribution contractor of Kamana Publication. padlocked the publication and distribution of "Nepal Samacharpatra National Daily" in the central district of Kathmandu. These distributors are associated with Maoists affiliated Nepal Publication and Communication Labour Association. They started the strike after making several unrealistic demands to the publication.

Similarly, they also stopped the publication of Mahanagar Evening Daily since morning they have been obstructing the day to day operation of the publication due to the sit-in at the central publication house.

We feel that this is attack to the Independent Press. Nepal Samacharpatra National Daily has always been defender of free, fair and independent press in Nepal. We have time and again tried to resolve the issue through dialogue but the Maoists affiliated Nepal Publication and Communication Labour Association has never been serious in resolving the issue rather they have time and again creating obstruction on our day to day operation. They had already stopped the publication of Nepal Samacharpatra National Daily on 25th May 2007 and time and again they have been creating obstruction in distribution of our publications.

In addition to that, they have been continuously threatening to our Executive Chairman and Editor-in-chief Mr. Pushkar Lal Shrestha & Manager Mr. Kailash Pradhan. So we seriously doubt this move of Maoists affiliated Trade Union as mission to control the independent press through the instrument of the Trade Union.

We request government and all concerned press freedom related organizations to ensure safety and security of all our staff and strongly demand for fearless environment for day to day operation of our publication.

Thanking You

The Management
Kamana Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Kathmandu, Nepal
Posted on 06-20-07 2:34 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Relax dude,

or San dai will block "MahaNagar" and "Kamana" from his message board... for "excessive advertising" or something... thats the Sajha Policy... as far as I know... :)

anyways... well the only option left... is to... get some hundreds of patrakars and gather infront of Singa Durbar... and not let Prachanda in... until he gives us an answer..... abt. why this bullshit??

we fought enough to give him a chance.... and each and every mistakes that the army made... he used to point out.... and used to make it a big issue.... that then government wasnt able to "control" their employees or the army or whatever..... didn't we? ... and he made big issues about all that.......

and we gave him a chance...... we thought he would control his ppl n shit... so its our responsibily to ask him..... he is a big dude now.. with the govt. power.. and the maoist guns... so be careful though..

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