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 Sakar Bhusal, Answer This
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Posted on 06-24-07 2:40 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Enough on Ram Hari Subedi, you proved that he owns x-nepali.com
But what about you cyberharke aka Sakar Bhusal ?
Serious questions have been raised here about you too and you can't simply say ignore it. You HAVE TO ANSWER it.
Your website नेपाल123dot com (it seems ur adsense was banned and you move to nepalicommunitydot com now) has been hosting tons of copyrighted materials.
You have been hosting Maha's video with your site's name embed in it as if you are the owner of that materials. Didn't you notice on the Maha CD that doing so will be illegal ?
Yes, Nepal have copyright act too and you may be jailed if you came here.
Its not your baap ka maal ! Maha has been working hard to make these materials and you are simply using their hardwork for your money making purpose ?
Shame on you !
You are worse than galli ka kutta ! A simple Nepali working on an indian restaurant have more ijjat than you.
Now lets see how Mr. Sakar Bhusal will answer this....Sakar haina Asakar aba
Posted on 06-24-07 2:50 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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For god's sake, can the two of you stop bitchin and moaning ?!

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