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 57 yr old Indian father becomes a victim of police brutality in Alabama

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Posted on 02-11-15 7:19 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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As seen in many recent cases where people of color have been victims of excessive use of force by police, this is not about race but the inclination of police to use excessive force.


Lawyer: Indian citizen out for a walk left paralyzed by Alabama police

Sureshbhai Patel was allegedly slammed to the ground by police after they responded to a 'suspicious person' call

Police in a northern Alabama city severely injured a 57-year-old Indian citizen after slamming him to the ground, leaving him temporarily paralyzed, according to the man’s lawyer.

“He was just out for a walk, and apparently someone made a suspicious person call … This is a grandfather who came to help his son and daughter-in-law with their 17-month-old son who was premature and developmentally delayed,” Henry F. Sherrod, a civil rights attorney from Florence, Alabama, told Al Jazeera on Tuesday.

Sureshbhai Patel, a permanent resident of the U.S., arrived in the U.S. only one week before the incident occurred. His son Chirag Patel, an engineer, flew him from the small Indian town of Pij to live with them in Huntsville, a suburban town next to Madison, according to Sherrod, who described the neighborhood as affluent.

While he was out for a walk in his new neighborhood on Friday morning, Patel was stopped by two Madison police officers who said they were responding to a suspicious person call.

When the officers began to question him, Patel said “no English” and “India” as he tried to point to his son’s house and repeated the house number. Sherrod said Patel was walking on the sidewalk and not acting suspiciously.

Unable to communicate with Patel, the officers began patting him down before they claimed the man put his hands in his pockets and “slammed him to the ground,” Sherrod said.

The attack left Patel bleeding from the face, paralyzed and in need of surgery to fuse two vertebrae, local news website reported. He remains hospitalized.

“I think it was because he looked brown,” Sherrod said, adding that the two police officers involved were white. Only one of the two policemen was responsible for the injuries, he added.

Madison police on Monday issued a statement saying that the officer responsible for Patel’s injuries had been suspended and that they were investigating his use of force, according to

The family has decided file suit for damages including Patel’s medical bills  — which will likely be in excess of $100,000 dollars even if he makes a full recovery, according to Sherrod, who met with the family on Tuesday.

Sherrod, who visited Patel at the hospital Tuesday, said Patel had regained movement of his arms, but was not yet able to grip with his hands. Patel also regained limited use of his left leg, but his right remained paralyzed, Sherrod said.

In addition to damages, the family is suing to obtain audio and video evidence taken by the police officers during the incident. It had not been released to the public because the Madison police department said the recordings were evidence in the ongoing investigation.

Sherrod criticized the incident as evidence that use of force by police is an issue that extends beyond people who are poor or African-American. “It can happen to anyone,” he said. “It just takes a little bit of a miscommunication and the officer thinks violence is the solution,” Sherrod said.

Last edited: 11-Feb-15 11:18 AM

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Posted on 02-12-15 3:48 PM     [Snapshot: 5084]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ny2 stop having fictitious perception...
there ain't any cop that could harm sojoketo's dad..whether he puts his hands up in the air OR inside the pocket..

there is nothing wrong with the post
"PENIS-Less Divorceguy."
bcoz everyone in sajha(except you) knows the fact about Divorceguy. Divorceguy is fav or all of us although
Divorceguy is a penisless guy.Divorceguy himself admitted and
declared that his pensi was chewed and swallowed by sajhasexy. So Blame it on sajhasexy
please refer to this post for the testimonials.

Regarding the language i speak at home, it is a very simple nepali lanague which is not decorated by diplomatic phrases unlike the diplomats of sajha users only to show off their freaking attitude to prove themselves how correct they are even when they are favoring the culprit.

if some morons perceives himself as a superior(supreme leader of diplomacy) to be judgmental enough to disrespect the innocence of the victim, sojoketo couldn't just accept it.
kiddo, you have a serious problem of unable to accept the fact, probably due to overshadow of attitude and ego you are having within you. others couldn't help you get rid of  it unless you try yourself to eliminate it.
Good luck for that.
I expect some day I could be able to have my post  with the title
EGO-less kiddo
Last edited: 12-Feb-15 03:54 PM
Last edited: 12-Feb-15 03:55 PM
Last edited: 12-Feb-15 04:04 PM

Posted on 02-12-15 8:29 PM     [Snapshot: 5485]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This video made me sick. Really Really sick. Please don't give me any BS reason that cops are trying to follow the rule or they try to defend themselves.  

Here is the 911 call(Copy paste in your browser or stream it with WMP or VLC to listen)

Here is the full conversation

Last edited: 12-Feb-15 08:41 PM
Last edited: 12-Feb-15 08:46 PM

Posted on 02-12-15 8:43 PM     [Snapshot: 5517]     Reply [Subscribe]
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सार्है चित्त दुख्यो यार मेरो त यो video हेरेर. आफ्नै बा लाइ पर्या जस्तै फील भयो. गार्हो भयो हेर्न...

out of words...
Posted on 02-12-15 8:50 PM     [Snapshot: 5536]     Reply [Subscribe]
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When reading through comments about this news article re Madison PD (Huntsville, AL) - read a comment from Chris about how he was treated at a citation stop.
Posted on 02-12-15 9:09 PM     [Snapshot: 5588]     Reply [Subscribe]
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That video is definitely so disturbing, it does not even look like he was going for his pocket, his hands were already behind. Just based on the news I had thought the slamming gone wrong, but nope, this is definitely bad tactics. These cops should definitely go to Prison.
Last edited: 12-Feb-15 09:13 PM

Posted on 02-12-15 9:26 PM     [Snapshot: 5613]     Reply [Subscribe]
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video looks too brutal knowing that was a weak old man, good for Bobby Zindal who now learnt what happened to his dam Indians
Posted on 02-12-15 10:00 PM     [Snapshot: 5703]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yep. Doesn't look like he was going for the pocket.
This is why I say cell phone camera is the check and balance we need.

Now I know some over here will say how come we change our tune. What we said was solely based on the article; video evidence so far refutes the article. In my play by play above, act 2 is violated- doesn't look like the cop had enough probable cause to slam the old man to the ground. Disgusting.
Posted on 02-12-15 10:25 PM     [Snapshot: 5738]     Reply [Subscribe]
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As much as the video I smell the opinion of the diplomats pathetic. Don't understand why jerk couldn't accept the f**kng truth
Posted on 02-12-15 10:56 PM     [Snapshot: 5797]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Instead of slamming the old man into the ground, why didn't the fucking pig just handcuffed the old man? Misuse of power. Always had a respect for police officer but after watching the video, respect jatti sabai pani le bagayo.
Last edited: 12-Feb-15 10:56 PM

Posted on 02-12-15 11:00 PM     [Snapshot: 5810]     Reply [Subscribe]
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this should clear most of the things
Posted on 02-12-15 11:10 PM     [Snapshot: 5797]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Its sad. But WHITE PEOPLE are really ANGRY  in this country.  


First, They DON'T like their leader. You know who I am talking about.

Second, illegal and legal Immigrants are acting like they own this country. 

Third. Muslims. They hate Muslims. And they couldn't tell you are Nepali, Indian or Muslims 

unless you are Bhote, if you look Bhote they think you are Chinese. Thanks God you are safe. 

International students, visitors, Asylum seekers DEMANDS their RIGHT  once they are in US, 

which they cant' say a single word of "RIGHT' in their own countries. 

Posted on 02-13-15 4:32 AM     [Snapshot: 6036]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The problem with people thesedays is that they are so ready to give up their freedom and their rights,  and believe the police is right without giving a benefit of doubt. Even in the eyes of the law you are innocent until proven guilty. There have been numerous cases of rogue cops so the ignoramus pundits of sajha should reserve their final judgment till they see all evidence, and show some compassion to the needless victims.

An important question arises = Why is there a need to slam any suspect to the ground when they could easily be handcuffed without such use of force?

Posted on 02-13-15 7:39 AM     [Snapshot: 6163]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Obviously, the guy who called 911 has problem. He believes he is "leaving his wife" with someone (or whoever) is walking on the street (on the sidewalk) on a public right of way.
Posted on 02-13-15 8:49 AM     [Snapshot: 6239]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is painful to watch and worse than what I thought transpired. The Indian guy did in no way act in a threatening manner to warrant that kind of take down. On top of that no matter what the son had told his father about interacting with police would not have prevented this.

It is very important that things like this get called out. Sometimes things are more than merely an academic discussion.

I hope the guy who called 911 also realizes that he has some part in bringing this down. When the human thing would likely have been to just go and ask the person if he was lost or to try and begin a conversation - you know, like normal people would do - instead of calling the police and following them around the neighborhood in their trucks.

For all the opulence and strength and high living standard that exists this is a very fearful society.
Posted on 02-13-15 8:51 AM     [Snapshot: 6251]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"For all the opulence and strength and high living standard that exists this is a very fearful society. "
Posted on 02-13-15 9:07 AM     [Snapshot: 6269]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Reminds me the "1984" by George Orwell, only difference is that Mr.Orwell thought it will happen in communism.
Posted on 02-13-15 9:45 AM     [Snapshot: 6319]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Very well put Kundale.
Posted on 02-13-15 10:26 AM     [Snapshot: 6387]     Reply [Subscribe]
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That guy who called 911 is definitely racist, no way that old man would have gone toward someone's garage or house He was just walking on the sidewalk looking toward houses sinve he is knew and you look around while walking in a new place and that guy didn't like his color and called 911. Calling 911 is no problem, but calling 911 with racial bias is a problem. They should investigate whether 911 caller's story is true and if it is not, that guy should also join the Cop in prison.
Posted on 02-13-15 5:54 PM     [Snapshot: 6680]     Reply [Subscribe]
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the pic of the hospitalized poor old indian man and the tears of his son was sufficient enough to understand the fact, at least for me..
when one makes mistake and  realizes it, they seek  ways to override or minimize his/her part over the mistake, the aggressive cop did the same, saying
'hands in the pocket'
haven't the video available  as evidence, all would have a dilemma and the discussion forever

i ain't trying to say i was right from the beginning, :)
i am just saying, i used the common sense and evaluated the incident, probably being a son.
सार्है चित्त दुख्यो यार मेरो त यो video हेरेर. आफ्नै बा लाइ पर्या जस्तै फील भयो. गार्हो भयो हेर्न...
out of words...
कसैको बाउलाई कैले तेस्तो नपरोस.
Not even kiddo ra divorce guy ko dad lai. :)
Last edited: 13-Feb-15 05:55 PM
Last edited: 13-Feb-15 05:56 PM
Last edited: 13-Feb-15 05:56 PM

Posted on 07-19-16 8:42 AM     [Snapshot: 20047]     Reply [Subscribe]
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