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Posted on 11-21-10 10:46
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There has been a huge hue and cry over voting for Anuradha Koirala. Even Nepali news channels were running scrolling text promotions to encourage people to vote for her solely because she is Nepali. Unfairness seems to be the running trend whenever it comes to voting be it Prashant Tamang or Anuradha Koirala. In the western world, voting is a basic expression of democracy, but alas Nepalis are still centuries away from learning the true meaning of the word. If CNN finds out the extent Nepalis went to get her voted such as advertisement on national nepalese TV, they would without a doubt disqualify her. In no way do I have any disrespect towards Anuradha Koirala and I have the utmost pride and respect for her. It's just the way Nepalis play out unfairly in international contests that I find ethically questionable. Are we Nepalis so destitute and desperate that we have to employ unethical means to put our country's name in the map? No wonder Nepal will always be centuries behind in democracy.
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Posted on 11-22-10 7:03
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यो नेपाली को बानी के भाको होला हरे राम ! मरी सकेको मान्छे लाई नि उठाउनु परने, सारा संसार ले सिएनएन (CNN) हिरो भन्दा हाम्रो नेपाली को सानो दिमाग मा किन कुरा नघुसेको होला चुप लागेर Celebrate गर्नु । यो नेपाली ( म लगायत ) को बानी पछाडि औलो हाल्ने कहिले जान्छ होला ह ? यो गुले रामेस्वोर को किन पछाडि चिलाको होला अनी मलाई नि नेपाली जसतैइ औंला हाल्न मन लाग्छ यो गुले को पछाडि ...
Srijana 12
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Posted on 11-22-10 7:15
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Posted on 11-22-10 9:02
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Srijana 12 thats right, a lots of stubborn smart arses who feel that they have a point to prove and wont back down to reason, anyways the end result is that Anuradha Koirala has won and all you losers like rameswor and his real smart Patriots like noquiro, mankokura, sna has nothing but to complain about everything and anything. First it was the voting system, then it was all Nepalese voting her, and lastly everyone that supports her and bringing out names of people who they think deserves the title better. its funny that I get quoted and replied like its a debate competition. manko kura bro KNOCK KNOCK we all come from the poorest country in the world, and unlike you and me, there are millions of underprivileged, so lets focus in our own country for now ok, and yes I do feel bad for other unfortunate around the world too, Nepal is a bit closer to my heart let rich and famous celebrities be world citizens for now because they actually do stuff. noquiro bro your point is well taken, hungry kids vs raped and tortured kids, they are both equally important arent they? I do wish no kid should go hungry in the world or sold for sex, im a father too, I understand that but what I dont understand is that you seem to choose one over the other. AND what that guy mentioned Magnus MacFarlane should receive the Nobel peace prize and every other prizes and support. Rameswor, you title for this thread S U C K S
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Posted on 11-22-10 10:41
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If you have presented logically, do not worry about criticism, no one will jump on you. On the other hand if it is out of contest, choice of words are in wrong time and place will invite a lot, you should try to avoid it ( bottom line is do not try to be a smarty as*, that is all)
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Posted on 11-23-10 12:36
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WORLD CITIZEN RE? MISPLACED PARTRITIOSM RE? mankokura, noquiro and etc. first pay attention close to home and tell us where us different. world citizen my arse.
Seven persons committed suicide in a span of 24 hours in Kathmandu valley between Saturday and Sunday, Annapurna post daily reported.
Norbu Lama, 30, of Ranibari, Indra Bahadur Khanal, 40, of Chandol, Hom Bahadur Shrestha, 30, of Tinthana, Subash Phuyal, 24, of Jitpurphedi, Nabaraj Lamichhane, 27, of Telkot, Bhaktapur, and Krishna Prasad Gautam, 58, of Lubhu, Lalitpur committed suicide, the daily reported quoting various police sources. The reasons for suicide include household dispute, divorce, unemployment and failure in exams, according to Superintendent of Police (SP) Ramesh Kharel, chief of Metropolitan Police Range, Kathmandu. The cases of suicide are increasing in the recent years due to various social, political and economic problems. A recent report compiled by Nepal Police headquarters showed 677 persons committed suicide across the country in a span of two months between mid-April and mid-June. in two months 667 people dies and these mofos want us to be world citizens.
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Posted on 11-23-10 2:08
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you make me laugh, like seriously! I just wonder what you would be saying when all the people/organization that provides aid to Nepal start thinking like YOU and focus solely on their own problems.. yes, my friend that includes Anuradha Koirala and her Maiti Nepal
You just lost all credibility to even get a response now onwards.
dimag kharab
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Posted on 11-23-10 2:09
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Would anyone like to summarize the whole thread? Who is saying what to whom?
I do not think i can catch up with the whole story as there are more than 70 posts.
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Posted on 11-23-10 2:15
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Ok sorry for misleading title but I thought she may be disqualified because national tv asking people to vote and that was so wrong in my opinion but I guess you as a Nepali is supposed to follow the crowd blindly instead of thinking on your own or sharing a piece of your opinion.
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Posted on 11-23-10 3:46
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Rameswor Som: You are 100% entitled to your opinions but I cannot stop but wonder where the heck you read the terms of engagement for the Hero Contest? For instance, if a TV channel goes on its own to support a Hero without his or her consent, then you are saying he/she should be disqualified. That's the most moronic statement I read in Sajha today. Trust me there are way too many morons here and your achievement at being on top of the heap is pretty impressive. If I am to agree with your logic, would it not be the easiest way to disqualify a candidate to just get a TV channel's support? Would that not be giving too much power to these channels?
In all honesty and seriousness though, your attempt to be politically correct and avoid the often delusional Nepali patriotism is absolutely well taken, but the argument you are making is - like it or not - the most moronic in Sajha today. YoTaSachikaiBhayanaHaiSom.
Ani arko kura Som... Duniya Diwana sablaai bheda bhandai hidne ho som timi? Interent maa kutaai bhetinna bhandaimaa yasto khokidine? -YoTaBhayanaNiSom...
Last edited: 23-Nov-10 03:54 PM
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Posted on 11-23-10 4:38
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dimag kharab bro,
let me try to summarize and bring you up to date.
A.koirala won. People were happy for her and for themselves and the significance of the fact that she won.
Not all were happy. Some thought the voting system was flawed and OP here felt she should be disqualified.
And all these 70+ comments are what you would expect from a colorful crowd like sajha: personal opinions smeared with name calling.
tl;dr - Its useless to debate in sajha.
dimag kharab
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Posted on 11-23-10 4:57
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Posted on 11-23-10 6:32
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This is quite a discussion... I am happy that Anuradha Koirala won. Those who are talking about global citizen. yes we must respect people from all the country but tht doesnt mean we stop supporting our sisters and brothers. This is a pride for our country and we should be very happy. I am sure most of the fund will be used for our country. If she hadn't won than there would have been less money. So just be happy. She'll definitely spend for some good cause. Whoever are criticizing her I want to ask what have they done for their country. Who are they to judge? About the votes,,people from India, Cambodia etc etc ,,missed the opportunity to vote for there fellow candidate,,, coz may be they were busy voting for programs for example Indian Idol and they had no clue about CNN heroes, People in Nepal are concerned about these matters,,,so people voting 1000 times tht shows their patriotism. Voting through phone accepts numerous votes from one person. That is how it works n who are you to change the rule..
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Posted on 11-23-10 8:03
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Nobody is taking anything away from Anuradha Koirala's achievements or her good deeds. For those entering late into this discussion here's a brief synopsis. - Anuradha Koirala wins the number 1 top hero position - Rameswor celebrates her win but questions the validity of the voting system which allows multiple voting from one person which ultimately means people with lots of free time can vote as much as 2000 times - This act of questioning the validity of the voting process results in bheda bakhra's going to the streets and burning tires because thier pride is under question. - These bheda bakhras have nothing to be proud of besides their country being a birthplace of buddha and a giant mass of rock called mount everest. So they rejoice this as an event of national pride. - Yes it should be a source of national pride but as a global citizen and a reasonable and logical human being you have to judge the voting system as inconclusive. Yes let's celebrate a reason for national pride. My point being that if the voting system was not screwed up, then we could celebrate 10 time more than what we are doing right now.
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Posted on 11-23-10 8:33
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To Sajha Admin,
Can you please make a blacklist(IP addresses) in sajha.com and filter out some post from the guy like Rameswor so that we don't hear the barking of people like him? Thanks !
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Posted on 11-23-10 8:38
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Come on bhustigre: Why ban? Every one has right to express their view and we commented as we felt too. One person one vote applies in local but not for this kind. Come on talk little bit sense.
Mr. Hyde
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Posted on 11-23-10 8:42
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Now that Anuradha Koirala has been honored as CNN Hero, it's plain stupid to celebrate and put things to rest. I have said before and I'll tell ya'll again, All I have is words of praise for Anuradha Koirala and my middle finger to the Ranas, and the Shahs too who became pimps to those innocent young girls to support their lavish life styles. Anyway, that's history and we can't change that. What we can change is - where we go from here. The whole world now knows that Nepal is a top illegal exporter of minor sex slaves, each individual Nepali and most of all the current and future Governments of Nepal need to figure out grass-root game plan to fight this heinous crime right to the finish and restore our national honor amongst fellow nations.
How do I know some of the background story? I swear I did not make it up. An excerpt from the following article:
" .. Nepal’s history of sex trafficking can be dated back to the royal Rana family regime of 1846. The Ranas targeted beautiful girls and demanded that they work in their palaces, at times enticing some to become concubines. If the girl refused, she and her family would be beaten. When the Rana family lost power in 1950, they fled from Nepal and traveled to neighboring India. To support their affluent lifestyle, the Ranas prostituted their women. As the demand grew, the Ranas recruited women from the surrounding areas, including Nepal, beginning the now thriving sex trafficking industry between Nepal and India .. "
August 21, 2010...5:12 pm Combating Sex Trafficking in Nepal: A Modest Effort
Jump to Comments
 Mark Bennett - Summer Intern at Shared Hope Shared Hope International is fortunate to host interns from across the United States who work in our Washington D.C. office on programs including national awareness, advocacy work, research and communications. This summer, our interns have also researched anti-trafficking efforts in Fiji, Nepal, India, Jamaica and the United States – the countries where Shared Hope actively funds programs. By Mark Bennett Known as the “Himalayan paradise,” Nepal is home to the most magnificent tourist locations in the entire world, including the legendary Sherpas and Mount Everest. Yet lurking behind the majestic scenery and peaceful mountain terrain, a lucrative industry of modern-day slavery (that is sex trafficking) thrives. (Read more)
Last edited: 23-Nov-10 08:42 PM
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Posted on 11-23-10 8:45
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wow bhojpure01,
you are going to teach me sense?? It's a matter of nation's pride. Nobody is accepted if he/she talks against it. If it were the case for politician's or whoever then you would be right. But it is not an election, votes are counted as how much people love her for her work.
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Posted on 11-23-10 10:58
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Mankokura When did you start thinking that I would want your opinion for any credibility? You are way over your head in dumbland. & If you think that I care what you write here then you are a hopeless sorry SOB. so im going to write to you indirectly. let me quote you like you did to me. "I just wonder what you would be saying when all the people/organization that provides aid to Nepal start thinking like YOU and focus solely on their own problems.. yes, my friend that includes Anuradha Koirala and her Maiti Nepal"World citizen is this guys interest and beef with me, he is upset because he believes Anuradha Koirala doesnt deserve the Hero title because her contribution lies only in Nepal and helping young little girls from hell. Now , I am a working man who struggles to make ends meet and strives to make it someday. I cant donate for charities and often yet sometimes I feel that I am in the receiving end YET I consider my self lucky to be here in the States, job house, family, food, water and security. I look around and yes I do get bothered by sad news around the world and feel sad for those who suffer. The best I can do for them is pray and applaud to people who actually do help, in my book they are world citizens. It hits home when sad news come from Nepal , our home, motherland where our loved ones lives. It has been a long time any good news has come from Nepal and when it does, I felt that saving even one girl from hell is great and therefore Anuradha Koirala did great and she deserves the title. Now this mofo wants US to be a world citizen and not be happy for those girls, and children? I feel for the world BRO, I see what you mean, And thanks to Donors around the world who choose different charities, every kind of social work, non profit orgs can continue to do what they do, so no child is hungry and no child is sold for sex. BUT you are missing the whole point, Nepals issues hits a lil closer to my heart, thats all. NOW GIVE ME A HUG!!
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Posted on 11-24-10 7:05
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I don't know how much longer I can take this,you all are killing my phucking soul. I think I need to go chop off my own dick now, yes, I will. I don't need my children growing up In a world populated by deepshits like ya all. Is this what they consider the most educated Nepali community, community that can make the difference if provided with a favourable envaronment?? I don't phucking think so !!
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Posted on 11-24-10 12:42
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One person one vote applies when we want to nominate somebody in local or regional level that is what I said. We did not denied her good deeds but someone is saying something different than the rest of the world , then you must give a thought what is s/he saying, you can not just go an bite him/her back and that is why I used id common sense. You can not shut his / her mouth because someone did not agree with you or rest of the nation. Learn to over look , If you can no accept then I will say you are 100 % bias and you are just running behind the crowd because your brain worked as the crowd, I am talking about freedom of speech. Hope you understood me. I could not catch you SNA? Did you forgot to take PROZAC this morning or too much weed? Must be the reason you puked those word. Your life your choice what ever you want to do, but take the pills before what ever you will do , it may bring your brain function back to normal . Whom you trying to scare ? It is childish and exactly. As if sajha is your home and we are your parents and you are bargaining with us cutting your dick off ( I think that has no use as the tail of the monkey), go ahead no one will stop you because we are not your parents.
Last edited: 24-Nov-10 01:12 PM